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Messages and Wall notifications

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 18 2013 12:15 PM (1 replies)
  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 3:38 AM

    We have a large, and very active CC, but some members don't seem to be too responsive. When questioned, it appears that many of them never go to the home page, having a bookmark direct to the Main Menu, so never see messages left on their walls, and never see messages sent by other members. Due to the high number of general WGT emails, they have usually been blocked too, so notifications are getting lost/missed all the time.

    Would it be possible to add a couple of links to the Main Menu page, one along the lines of "ABC has written on your wall", and another "XYZ has sent you a message"?

    A simple fix for the next update, and one that would make communication SO much easier :-)




  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 12:15 PM


    thanks for the suggestions. I'll add it to the list
