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Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 2:55 PM


    Are you the successor of that guy fighting the windmills? Don Q...

    Sorry to say, it looks just like that.

    I'm as well a prospective victim of those second-counting blokes but I'd match them with ignorance - why not do the same?

    You are RIGHT  went on too long   Sorry


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 2:58 PM


    bit childish.

    some of your past Posts have made me Laugh my butt off your Profile's safe


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 2:58 PM


    Throw some Jell-o on em....:)

    What a brutal guy you are, Alan - devoted to you :)


  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 3:26 PM

    FFS peep this i dont care if your a mod or good buddies with a mod. I got called on cheat on guess where WGTLS for using a effin overlay ruler. A ruler helps me shoot the scores i shoot yeah ok so i go make my next batch of videos without a ruler. So now wgt has a shot pal cause people  cried about that. Now if it were me that said i downloaded a cheat to see how it works i would of been banned from wgtls. Just like you guys made a big deal of the guy who took screen shot with the golf ruler and was still sucking yall tried to hang that man.

    But it is perfectly fine for a mod to do it or buddies of the mods get the hell out of here with that. Now i have plenty bandicams of alt shots with some of your best buddies where they grey out for 15 secs or more but in the end we still win we lose then we lose. But if you actually go through the trouble to download it to see how it works then use the damn thing and see if it helps you win. But when it doesnt then someone will say they must have a putt cheat.

    I have come to see the only ones that come up with these crazy excuses of why they think people cheat is because they lack the skill to be as good as some of the ones they accuse.I dont see often a top player screaming someone cheated and suprised me that jeff wrote that post because i enjoy playing with him and he is a hell of a putter so hes a top player in my books. But no matter what forums it was posted it needed to be seen by all and i dont  blame greg at all for posting it here cause he is correct in this matter. And on skype discussing it now and seems greg is right in alot of others minds some good players actually. I like wgtls but if your not in a certain bunch then you get hung look how they are doing greg and he is just one man its kind of sick actually. -Brandon-

  • jcgfree
    1,109 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 3:33 PM

    Wow!!!! I don't know where to start. So much since my last post. Too many posts for me to add quotes in here. So I'll try and respond from memory of what I've read.

    First I'd like to apologize for all the non members of WGTLS for being subjected to this. It was not my intent. It was meant for the Ladder Site. Yes, things are a bit different there because it's just that, a Ladder Site. You or your team play to be placed somewhere on the Ladder for a certain competition. So as you may guess competition can be a little fiercer there. Some do it for fun and could care less about winning or losing and some are very serious about it. No matter what we like and want to win. I myself could care less about my win loss ratio or avg. I play it for the good competition. And that's what the Ladder Site is all about. Yes there is trouble just like any event, be it virtual or real sporting event. But it's dealt with to benefit the many, like anything should. Mark and his Mods has done a great job to keep things as fair and in control as possible. Specially with the way some people like to act up. Are they always a 100% right? Heck no. No ones perfect. We all learn from our mistakes. And no Greg I am not saying this because I am a part of an LS click. I am stating this because it is the way I feel. I know this was off topic, but after some of the jabs at LS it had to be said.

    Like I said, my post was meant for the Ladder Site. It was meant to educate all on what you could look for to spot someone using the Cheat Engine. I came right out and said it wasn't fool proof and that unfortunately some honest people were going to get accused of cheating. Not my intent, but I knew it was going to happen. As the post went on, people showed where there might be some holes in this theory. Which is what I wanted to happen also. Which IMO is a good thing, because then maybe so many honest people won't be accused. But for the most part, most understood that you had to look for the consistency of a players shot and then determine if an inconsistency made them a possible cheat. Again, this is not fool proof as some of you have stated and shown that not all are consistent with their shots. But from what I've seen, most are consistent with their shots. Except, like I stated before, short wedge shots, chip, pitch and putting. A lot of players for these shots use avatar movements or club clicks.

    The sad thing about all this information is that the players using this program now have more information on what not to do so they are recognized. Some say this is the reason I started this post. For information for myself, because I use the program to play the game. There were some more accusations that I am or could be a cheat also and they are all pretty much valid points and I respect their opinions. After all this is the internet and you never know who or what kind of a person is on the other end. All I can say is that I do not use any software to improve my game. I know there are some people that have used the grey out method to look at my swing and I am positive they would say that they didn't think I was a cheat. My drive and approach shots are consistently around 4 seconds. I hold the back swing for about 2 seconds. The only time I hold my back swing longer, is on a chip or a pitch, because I count avatar movements for those shots.  Send me an invite and watch. My scores won't be any different than my score history.

    Greg, as far as you getting accused of being a cheat because of my post, If they are wrong, then I apologize. I could care less if you accept that or not. I respect your opinions, but the way you try to get them across and the name calling, is just immature. I have played against you many times in the past on LS and you were always a class act while playing, good competition and I never thought you were a cheat. But I think you let your anger get the better of you when you express your opinions.

    As far as me having a cheat program and using that program. As I said, I used it in practice mode by myself for research purposes. I didn't use it for any type of a game against another player or in any type of one person tournament. Heck, it took me at least 100 tries to get a 57 on the U.S. Open Qualifier. For the players that say I should be removed for breaking the rules, I respect those opinions also. I knew by admitting what I did could cause me to lose my account, but I was willing to take that chance. Rules are rules and I am man enough to take it if WGT finds reason to do that. I really do hope WGT is looking at this and can see that it is a problem and try and address it. At least let us know that they are and what they plan to do. Someone said something about EA sports having something that would help. Hope they are looking at that. I'm not sure if WGT knows, but  they say the back swing automatically releases after 15 seconds. And it does. But if you apply the Cheat engine, you can hold the back swing for over a minute, before it releases automatically.

    And last. Thanks to the guys that understood me and tried to help explaining things and even the guys that didn't and as Icon says, kept it Classy. lol 


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 3:33 PM



    Throw some Jell-o on em....:)

    make it damn near  impossible to light......;) 


    Now that ^^ ,  is F*ckin funny ....:))


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 3:34 PM



    Throw some Jell-o on em....:)

    What a brutal guy you are, Alan - devoted to you :)


    C'mon must know by now it's Andy...

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 3:40 PM

    @Brandon  hey thanks for all the advise, and the video's are two thumbs up...anyone having problem with your game go check out Brandons Videos...i still go over and watch the putting Video when my putting goes to hell.....Playing the Course and not playing others has worked out well for me B   thanks for the kind words....Greg 

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 3:58 PM

    Greg, as far as you getting accused of being a cheat because of my post, If they are wrong, then I apologize. I could care less if you accept that or not. I respect your opinions, but the way you try to get them across and the name calling, is just immature. I have played against you many times in the past on LS and you were always a class act while playing, good competition and I never thought you were a cheat. But I think you let your anger get the better of you when you express your opinions.

    Guilty.....Jc i so wish there was an easy fix for this problem....i have thought long and hard myself about it.....there just to many variables I realize now you were just trying to help and if most player were mature and realized on there own thats there so many variables so dont rush to accuse...but sadly they dont. I have seen some of the lastest posts on WGTLS and i agree if someone greys out for 15-20 seconds it would make me wonder too....but like i have said i have known about the menu trick for awhile now, i watched a couple of time   but bottom line it's very hard to tell....i dont even watch anymore in fact i dont want to know if another players using it my focus in on my game and ripping a new one into the course i'm playing...Greg

    I accept Jeff and i extend an apologize  Back

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 4:11 PM

    @Jcgfree, after reading your last post you seem to be a good dude. We have never met but you seem to come across okay to me.

    I think though that you made a huge mistake.

    Firstly, who gave you the right to download cheating software to check it out? You work for WGT? 

    Secondly, you practiced with cheating software,,,,no no here.

    Thirdly, then you posted a way to spot cheating that is not 100% correct. All this did was stir up the already serious problem that we all have known about for ages. Now every tom d1ck and harry is watching the menu,,great! Then if someone hits a good shot,,,all hell breaks loose.

    Is there cheating, i'm sure there is. But until WGT decides to do something it is what it is. It is no one else's job to do anything,,period.

    All i can say is no one player or players is above the law, and no one has the right to accuse a player of cheating without 100% proof. You are anyone else is not the judge and jury. Looking at players the way they play is your opinion, and your opinion only.

    If WGT allows you to play in the Virtual Open you are a lucky man. If left to me that would not be the case.

    I'm should you can understand my point of view, it is what it is, like i said earlier i learned that from the best here.

    Sorry mate but that is how i see it. You break the rules you pay the price.