Really don't want to hear anything but " yes we took care of it and they are gone". Yups simple. You do not download cheating software and check it out.
Sorry but what you are calling for is quite ridiculous. Curiosity doesn't mean you are guilty, unless you are adhering to a Guantanamo style legal system.
Sorry Tiffer, i have to disagree here. So you are saying that it is okay to download cheating software to check out how it works? I would say you are GUILTY the minute you decide to download it,,, no????
Sorry cheating software here is illegal period. This is not Wgtls. You download it you are gone, at least that is what i read in the rules.
I am wrong here? If so help me out, i can't see the light.
Have the rules changed? I just read them, don't see any changes.
If so, i would love to hear your opinion on downloading cheating software to see how it works. ;)
So how do we know they are not using it now? See where i'm going with this. Sorry mate you download it, you have to go. Pretty simple conclusion.
IMO there is no reason to ever download cheating software, and if so, i wish someone would come here a give me a legit reason. Waiting.........
OOO,,i forgot checking to see how it works is not a legit reason. So if anyone has a good reason i'm listening.
I would love to hear from all the player on this. So what players it okay to download cheating software to see how it works? I wait to hear your opinion.