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Here we go again

Sat, Aug 3 2013 11:52 AM (288 replies)
  • terbal
    286 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 11:01 AM

    thats 15 seconds which is the wgt setting, its anything over that time and above 20 seconds is the worry.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 11:06 AM


    Turns out it wasn't nor beautiful either...Just pass it to the left in good order then you all happy..or not caring so much.  :))


  • geordieles
    541 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 11:32 AM


    Being a moderator doesn't mean i m not allowed an opinion i am also a member of the site and entitled to my say

    You wouldn't catch Icon or Shoe fanning flames like you do.

    Fanning what flames?WGTLS and WGT use totally different moderation methods,WGT like to hide things under the carpet, you cannot name and shame players therefore the perpetrators get the upper hand, on WGTLS its the opposite, point 2 Icon and shoe are on the payroll and get told what to do, we aren't we do it for free in our spare time.You make comments about WGTLS  jim which you have no clue, you dont get or see  the nasty pms from some  of the members we get or the threats, yes threats on a virtual game lol or the harrasment  on skype from others, you dont believe me ask Mark the owner or any other mod, there are regular pms and chit from rmchangins best buddy docwil or whatever he is called now, and i do have the screenshots to prove this, so dont sit there jim on your high and mighty 12,720 forum posts and criticize me or other mods for doing something for free along with the crap that goes with it until you get the full facts.

    Now you have a nice day. 

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 12:43 PM



    Being a moderator doesn't mean i m not allowed an opinion i am also a member of the site and entitled to my say

    You wouldn't catch Icon or Shoe fanning flames like you do.

    Fanning what flames?WGTLS and WGT use totally different moderation methods,WGT like to hide things under the carpet, you cannot name and shame players therefore the perpetrators get the upper hand, on WGTLS its the opposite, point 2 Icon and shoe are on the payroll and get told what to do, we aren't we do it for free in our spare time.You make comments about WGTLS  jim which you have no clue, you dont get or see  the nasty pms from some  of the members we get or the threats, yes threats on a virtual game lol or the harrasment  on skype from others, you dont believe me ask Mark the owner or any other mod, there are regular pms and chit from rmchangins best buddy docwil or whatever he is called now, and i do have the screenshots to prove this, so dont sit there jim on your high and mighty 12,720 forum posts and criticize me or other mods for doing something for free along with the crap that goes with it until you get the full facts.

    Now you have a nice day. 

    Now this thread might just get interesting......:-))


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 1:01 PM

    until you get the full facts.

    YOU are the facts. Just because I don't post in your litterbox anymore doesn't mean I don't see what goes on over there and suffice to say, you have ruined that experience for me. Take your righteous, self serving attitude back to that litterbox  where you reign supreme. You're nothing here except an instigator. You ought to take a page out of the moderating book here with you, too.

    Don't bother having a nice day, either. 

  • geordieles
    541 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 1:16 PM

    Take your righteous, self serving attitude back to that litterbox  where you reign supreme. Y

    If anyone is self righteous its you, 12,720 posts half of which are crap, yes jim i watched you over the years too, ruffle a few feathers here with your know it all ,know fk all attitude, take your advice and shove it where the sun dont shine, your no better than the plebbs who cheat the game. 


    You ought to take a page out of the moderating book here with you, too.


    What the brush it under the rug attitude where the innocent get the rough end of the deal and the guilty get off , no thanks.

    Don't bother having a nice day, either. 

    Showing your true colours now , you just confirmed what i thought for years your a horses ass.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 1:25 PM

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 1:42 PM

    your a horses ass.

    Shouldn't that be you're ? Is everything else you say as erroneous ?

    It did get more interesting for a bit...

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 1:50 PM


    your a horses ass.

    Shouldn't that be you're ? Is everything else you say as erroneous ?

    Excuse me.....I'm sorry........Lmao!!!!!,,,hehe

    Hey Andy, your starting to get scary good at it. Lol.

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 2:02 PM




    Being a moderator doesn't mean i m not allowed an opinion i am also a member of the site and entitled to my say

    You wouldn't catch Icon or Shoe fanning flames like you do.

    Fanning what flames?WGTLS and WGT use totally different moderation methods,WGT like to hide things under the carpet, you cannot name and shame players therefore the perpetrators get the upper hand, on WGTLS its the opposite, point 2 Icon and shoe are on the payroll and get told what to do, we aren't we do it for free in our spare time.You make comments about WGTLS  jim which you have no clue, you dont get or see  the nasty pms from some  of the members we get or the threats, yes threats on a virtual game lol or the harrasment  on skype from others, you dont believe me ask Mark the owner or any other mod, there are regular pms and chit from rmchangins best buddy docwil or whatever he is called now, and i do have the screenshots to prove this, so dont sit there jim on your high and mighty 12,720 forum posts and criticize me or other mods for doing something for free along with the crap that goes with it until you get the full facts.

    Now you have a nice day.

    First off There should be no difference Between Mods on wgt and wgtls It's basically the same exact Job. And no a MOD should not have his opinion effect he's said so Job.

    A moderator oversees a bulletin board, discussion group, or other site where content is posted and responded to by readers."Threads" are a specific series of posts responding to an original post. A moderator's main purpose is to keep the discussion threads running smoothly and productively.

    Excuse Me i'm Very undereducated someone else might have to tell me if anywhere in the meaning of Moderator does it say inject His or hers personal opinion. The reason i use his and hers is we dont know what you are Les...on wgtls you act like the 800lb gorilla then you Post here sobbing like a little girl telling me your going to tell Icon on me.

    More than once i've been in M&G and seen two player start to harass another, if the player doing the harassing is one of your buddies nothing done, if the victim protests in anyway he's told to shut up quit being a baby or your other classic if you dont like it here go somewhere else.But if you dont personally like the harasser Bam your gone no warning nothing just Gone Im pretty sure a Moderator is to rule with an even hand.

    Now lets address my undereducated issue im just shy of having 3 years college creds toward my electrical engineering degree ...but earning a living became more important than going to school so spent the last 30 years as a high voltage electrician until i got hurt at work now I'm disabled.I'm a disabled Veteran from the Cold war era...(broke my hand numerous time in bar room brawls) so i got a 10% disability....It seems German males get a little ticked when you boink there girl While serving my country i was a field comsec repairman......I worked on crypto equipment...the machines that coded and uncoded all the message's Do you really think the U.S. government would spend close to a million dollars on me for a top secret clearance and a 52 week school if i was undereducated or uneducated NOT!

    Is my command of the English language Crude....Yes very Crude but you spend over thirty years on construction sites then come talk to me.... 

    In your post you complain how tuff the job really is   Quit.... very easy. I'm Pretty sure 90% of the members on wgtls would have a 3 day party over that...No you would never Quit, first thing that would happen if you Quit your Mod position is 75% of the people on your friends list would drop you in a New York second...there not your friends for who you are but rather What you are

    Hopefully this written well enough for you to understand,,but if not go find a construction worker sure he'll have no problem translating for you....

    Now you have a nice day       Ball-less (OH crap i'm sorry)     LES 

    Dont care what anyone says that has a ring to it   Ball-less Les