shouldn't the match play challenge earnings, skins and blitz challenge earnings be included in the career earnings? just a thought
You probably won't get many arguments with that...
Earnings should be just that, so deduct entry fees for RGs etc to make earnings a clear reflection of accrued credits over and above.....
Theoretically you could have $2000 in earnings yet have spent $4000 in getting them.
ON THE MONEY HERE.....need to deduct entry fees and add ALL WINNINGS. The obvious reason is that if a player has this negative number as a wgt career, that player will realize they are spending money and quit the game.....We all know what players quitting does to wgt's bottom line. For this reason, you will never see this reality made.Just look at players pages and the activity on those pages...See any loses?...wgt wants us all to be winners and happy whether its a lie or not.
WGT's plan for us all :
Make the lambs feel good about themselves, in turn they will spend money on WGT...If you don't think this has been disscused by the board, then you need to rethink...
Its cool, I like the game, but I wouldnt play if I lost at it