If losses and winnings were shown only a handful of players would be in the black.
I'd beg to my case...I'll try a survey, video thing when credits get low...ya know, just to get something built I only play RG's for the past few years...mainly,, pretty much quit MPC...a few skins with friends (where I rarely win or break even)...but been "in the black" for over a year...thing is, sure the top 20-25 money winners may be credit heavy...but the real money (credit) earners are doing MPC and Skin Challenges...point in this, regardless of my teir/avg/etc...I'm no where near the upper crust with the TL's, nor the better Legends...
Now take that down to TM's...etc..many are doing well.
Wonder if Blitz challeneges can raise you up like MP?...I think not, never heard anyone complain about it....and I had a buddy here who pulled in 3-4K credits weekly in Blitz Challenge.
I think there are quite a few more way above treading water than ya think:)