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Positioning of Tee

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jun 24 2013 10:22 PM (6 replies)
  • JasonNumber100
    2,917 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 1:57 AM


    I don't know if this has been mentioned before.

    It would be good if we could choose where we place our tee. This would obviously be within the tee boxes, but it could then be placed depending on the choice of shot for that hole.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 7:27 PM

    I don't know if this has been mentioned before.

    It has -------> search

    t would be good if we could choose where we place our tee. This would obviously be within the tee boxes, but it could then be placed depending on the choice of shot for that hole.

    Agreed, but whether or not WGT decided to implement this I doubt that it would be any more than a moving of the avatar position rather than a change in the programming of the balls flight or angle of..

    I think Icon was in the 'yea' brigade of this change a few months back when I first saw it suggested...but don't quote me.

    Maybe I should search -->  :))

    Too lazy !


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 8:41 PM

    Did you ever notice that we don't have any choices in this game?

    There would be more important ones than tee position, cf. drop position or different ball selection, but there aren't any.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 9:43 PM


    Did you ever notice that we don't have any choices in this game?

    Alosso my dear friend.of course we have lots of choices.What ball to BUY, what clubs to BUY, what avartar to.....ooooohhhhh you mean free choices. Ok here the only one that springs to mind, what course to play FREE (unless TruGolf) but you are right out of luck if the ball lands in a hazard, no choice where to drop, no choice if it your last ball and bad luck if you spill beer all over your shirt - you can't even change that.

    Choice can be a bad thing..........if you are indecisive! For the rest of us, looks like no choices unless there is a buck to be made. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 9:57 PM


    BTW, I mean "no choices concerning your play during a game":

    - no ball change,

    - no choice of drop point,

    - no choice to take an "unplayable",

    - and no choice to spot on the tee.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 10:13 PM

    LOL I knew what you meant! Sadly these choices would require significant programming changes and with "drops" could become problematic due to the rules of golf being complex. But I personally think this does need to be addressed. Again it seems like this would not raise revenue (as would tee positioning) hence being put into the too hard basket.

    But here is a FREE in game choice - you can remove a pin, even if you are 200 yards away (very fit autocaddy). and might even save you a ball that you cannot fish out from 3 inches of water.after it rebounds 60 yards backwards into a stream. despite just barely touching the pin. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2013 10:22 PM

    I stand corrected :)

    And I agree, there are no choices necessary despite of all the wows. If only the drops to unfavourable places (rough, sand...) would be exchanged!