hi e1 me again lol. sorry for my out burst last night and to any1 if they got offended. i just get very frustraited when this game doesent play fair. any ways theres far to many other things in life far more important than wgt and thats not a dig at them. this is a gr8 game its just i feel they can and should maybe make it harder other ways thats all. think i maybe had to many cans of stella last night lol. ty all graham
We all get that way sometimes, and a lot of us ain't as good as you, so u have to expect some sarcastic comments.
I love Stella
bi polar often?
Stella comes in cans? Oh the horror of it all...
Stella, that explains it then.
Stella is like beer but without the flavour. YES FLAVOUR MR SPELLCHECKER.
Doublemochaman: Stella comes in cans? Oh the horror of it all...
It does mate, but not a patch on an ice cold bottle. Absolute quality !
courteneyfish: Stella is like beer but without the flavour. YES FLAVOUR MR SPELLCHECKER.
One must savour their flavour.
Put Stella Artois in google translate = tramp juice.
PaulTon:Put Stella Artois in google translate = tramp juice.
I got Stella Artois in google translate = Wife Beater
Pleased I drink Leffe