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Tue, Jun 25 2013 11:00 AM (1 replies)
  • paulstjohn2
    17 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 1:51 AM

    Hi WGT,

     JUst popped in for a quick query. This isnt a whine or complaint by any means, i love playing and think the game is amazing. As the ball depletes its 'hits counter',does its performance also degrade? I was wondering because when it hits the red line or as i like to refer to it 'the line of death', my game seems to taken the downturn.Would this be the said physical effect of the said ball battering or   Psycho-Semantic. Just wondering !

    Ps .. Any chance of an ultrasonic option whistle in addition to the ding sound .. My guide dogs eyes arnt what they used to be..

    As i say to here,,,, Stay Lassy ... Many thanks

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2013 11:00 AM


    Hi WGT,

     JUst popped in for a quick query. This isnt a whine or complaint by any means, i love playing and think the game is amazing. As the ball depletes its 'hits counter',does its performance also degrade? I was wondering because when it hits the red line or as i like to refer to it 'the line of death', my game seems to taken the downturn.Would this be the said physical effect of the said ball battering or   Psycho-Semantic. Just wondering !

    Ps .. Any chance of an ultrasonic option whistle in addition to the ding sound .. My guide dogs eyes arnt what they used to be..

    As i say to here,,,, Stay Lassy ... Many thanks

    You shouldn't see any decay in the play of the ball as the hits level goes down. 


    - WGTdbloshoe