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Wed, Sep 15 2010 3:30 AM (40 replies)
  • bluescouse
    1,185 Posts
    Sat, Jul 31 2010 11:58 AM

    Agreed Snaike. I get dumped on a regular basis, call the person something unprintable, then move on.

    It's just occured to me, and forgive me if its been mentioned before, or is completely unworkable, but what if stats for unfinished ranked games were just added to your profile in the same way as those for completed rounds? Surely that would put paid to a lot of the quitters. Or am I missing something?



  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Jul 31 2010 12:40 PM

    Or we can expect people here to act like grown ups and not call people whiners and stompers when they post about quitting... there's enough petulant two-year olds in the world without having to deal with my butt here.

    FTFY Snaike.  Practice what you preach hmm?


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Jul 31 2010 9:54 PM

    FTFY Snaike.  Practice what you preach hmm?
    LOL.... you failed, Andy.. but nice try anyway.

  • usmra
    32 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 9:24 AM

    Probably a dumb question, but where can I find out what my reputation ranking is?

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 10:01 AM


    Probably a dumb question, but where can I find out what my reputation ranking is?

    It's not a dumb question, usmra.

    The Reputation Tracking is not operational yet so there is nothing to look for.

  • usmra
    32 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 10:08 AM

    Thanks bud!

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 10:11 AM

    It's just occured to me, and forgive me if its been mentioned before, or is completely unworkable, but what if stats for unfinished ranked games were just added to your profile in the same way as those for completed rounds? Surely that would put paid to a lot of the quitters. Or am I missing something?


    The intention of the reputation tracking feature is to have it built into the game creation menu, as a criteria, so that the game creator can determine which reputation level he will or will not allow into the game. So yes, this information will need to be collected in order to maintain an accurate reputation %'age.

    The problem with this is the amount of time it is going to take WGT to police this. WGT has NO way of knowing why a round was disconnected or a player dropped.

    -do you give someone a rep drop if their power goes out?

    - do you give them a rep drop if the game freezes?

    etc etc etc

    There are many valid reasons for someone to leave a game, and it will happen regardless of what we want or think individually. It simply is too complicated and time consuming for WGT to have to act on every complaint about a reputation drop, and should NOT be on their list of things to do. It is believed that many drop rounds as a function of trying to artificially raise or lower their average. Most likely so. The only way to handle this situation, is to make each player finish each and every started round. The programming is already in place to take you back to a dropped round when you launch the game client. All that needs to be done, is to remove the 'forfeit round' option.

    - it can be in place TODAY

    - it removes any issues of WGT having to justify someones drop in rep rank

    - it prevent manipulation of scores, or at a minimum, makes it more time consuming and more effort for those who wish to do so. How perfect is that.

    The best part of this idea, is that the problems go away. It doesn't create more work or more issues, it makes the problem go away. When quitting isn't an option, it can't happen. When their IS a valid disconnect, you just finish the game, like most do currently when there is a valid disconnect. But now there is no option to quit, so again, it goes away...... And as an added bonus, when those manipulating their scores realize they have to play out each and every round, and it takes a lot longer to manipulate their scores, they won't be so quick to create another alias - BONUS

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 1:39 PM

    wgt expect you to quit.....prevent ppl from quitting and you prevent ppl from playing....simple economic equation....if you get blackballed for a disco...i will no longer play stroke play random....and i like to play...and i play to the end...nearly! why would i have a gold short haul award for 15 rounds?

    you pays your money..... you takes your choice!

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 5:17 PM

    All that needs to be done, is to remove the 'forfeit round' option.

    How do you propose stopping people from using the and just close the window?

    There are many valid reasons for someone to leave a game, and it will happen regardless of what we want or think individually. It simply is too complicated and time consuming for WGT to have to act on every complaint about a reputation drop, and should NOT be on their list of things to do.

    In a properly implemented ReputationTracking, those who disconnect for valid reasons will have the opportunity to complete that round and not have their reputation marred.  If they so choose not to complete the round, their rep will take a hit.  But it will have been by their own accord.  And no intervention needed by WGT.

    See this post from April where I explained it to you once before.




  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Wed, Aug 4 2010 5:46 PM

    How do you propose stopping people from using the and just close the window?

    I don't - if you read the post again, you will see that I clearly stated that there is no way to prevent one from quitting, and also no way to determine which drops are valid. The entire point of this suggestions is to take away the option for a user to choose 'forfeit round' once the game client reloads, and to force every started round to be finished. If you aren't going to read a suggestion in enough detail to understand, it makes no sense to knock it down with no supporting argumentation.

    those who disconnect for valid reasons will have the opportunity to complete that round and not have their reputation marred. 

    Same thing I am suggesting, with the exception that I am offering to take the determination of what is a valid drop out of the hands of the players, as well as WGT. It shouldn't be an opportunity to complete a round, it should be a requirement. Other than average manipulation, can you offer one example of any disconnect that would warrant someone NOT going back to finish a round that was dropped?