trev3840: how long for
how long for
Should be about 3 hours of downtime.
- WGTdbloshoe
Look out for the grammar people.
WGTicon: looking forward towards
And I'm looking forward towards what it will be.
Just teasing :)~
Can't wait.!
Doublemochaman: Look out for the grammar people.
How funny. Perfect post to sneak in as I was typing my reply.
Better to be among the Grammar People than among the VEM People or the Cheat People.
I'm looking forward to long sentences for the Grammar People, severe modulations for the VEM people, angry spouses for the Cheat People, and uneven pies for the rest of us.
Funny! But what about the Groucho People?
just when you think you have the game about 1/3 figured out. Here comes another monkey wrench, OUCH!
Hmm experimental I am in a slump. hopefully it means my partner can play my shot instead.
Lets hope it isn't something like, you cannot change the club or shot the caddy gives you!
Looking forward to them..........I think lol
Doublemochaman: Funny! But what about the Groucho People?
The Groucho People will refuse to become members of any club that will have them as members.