i'd like to say THANKS to WGT.
I'm not very active a the moment and have been missing some things. Just checking on on the club from time to time.
One of my Captains alerted me to the Tiered tourneys for CC.
It put a great big smile on my face. Since day 1 of me being a member here Feb2011 I along with others have been pining for this.
Thank you! thank you very much.
ohhhhhh such a time saver, such a powerful option now, YAY
I would also thin that WGT deserves a pat on the back for these other two swing meter options.
Seems to indicate to me that WGT haven't been ignoring all the whines and complaints of the existing meter and the stutter issues. Somewhere in the background they have been looking at options have finally hung their hat on these extra two and now we have the option of using whatever.
Doesnt really matter what us existing players think of these new meters, but it will sure slow down the whines form new players right?
It will be interesting to see what ultimately is the consensus on these new meter options and if in 3 months, the stutters and glitches are still as prolific.
THANKS for adding Merion to Club Options!
THANKS for adding UL
THANKS for Single Play CTTH
THANKS for a promotions driver
But most of all
THANK YOU VERY MUCH, for making this upgrade one that benefits the clubs and the players and not one with superfluous trinkets which has dominated these updates for so long.
If I had a hat, this time, I WOULD actually take it off to you.
Now... the question does beg to be asked....... Does WGT have a new Developer on board?
If so... can you get him to work on the messaging for clubs, friends and this gawd awful forum platform?