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it has to go

Tue, Jul 2 2013 3:53 AM (57 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 8:24 AM

    bright blue and its totally catching my eye


    I just read this


    Must be my old laptop I have, mine certainly doesn't brighten up enough to bother me, but could be you have a better monitor/etc than I I could see it annoying the continuing moving dots in UEL play.

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 9:05 AM

    yeh im on a laptop aswell. but i have a monitor pluged in so its very clear. 

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 11:02 AM

    believe me, I tried! you were unavailable.

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 11:13 AM

    been green all day billy no mates

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 11:23 AM

    again, "no match found" for you. I'll try something else. Please be patient, you can kick my ass as soon as I find you.

    I can see your profile and whatnot's but when I go to invite you to a game using the "manual" method, it keeps telling me "no match found". Apparently, I am not following proper protocal for my ass whopping, it sucks getting old.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 12:33 PM


    is any 1 else finding that original logo on the original meeter very very very annoying. bright blue and its totally catching my eye. surely they can move it from the meeter???  tys

    Lol, you mentioned in our alternate Graham, it does not bother me at all, probably because I am concentrating more on "when" the meter comes close to the ding in order "to catch it" at the right moment.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 8:22 AM

    not that impressive for a multi-account player. Still waiting for your invite!

    You sure ?? Multi ??

    Anyway I don't know why I get involved in stuff (funny to me I guess)

    Either way when you get it on....I give you 2-1...

    2 sleeves to you if you beat G and a sleeve to me when you don't ! (srry, I meant.. if)

    Go Paula  !!! :))


  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 12:23 PM

    been green since this chit started andy lol. still waiting for the invite all mouth and no golf makes billy no m8s lmao. he's just a weirdo throwing stupid accusations around because he knows i would thrash him.  HACK

  • Fencer100
    2,065 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:07 PM

    Hi creamer...I am only a lowly tour pro,but I don't find the blue thingy on the meter distracting at all.

    However do us all a favour and keep your offensive and rude comments to yourself,just cos you are a tour legend does not give you the right to make those type of comments.

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 6:05 PM

    u look like a tour master to me. no 1s asking you to read it sandy