Not exactly but watch this crap. Full discloser... this guy is in my club.
Prepared to be shocked. IMO, this guy deserves a free sleeve of balls. Hopefully, wgt will step up and do the right thing here.
Wow. That ranks right up there with mrenn29's 346 yard 8 iron!
It wasn't my shot but I feel compelled to ask WGT to return this guy's ball there.
If you watch it carefully there is Ronaldo (compacted) right at the flag kicking the ball in protest about the VEM.
Wow! That's bad luck for sure.. Good luck trying to get him some balls.
This is just one of those things that happens from time to time on WGT. I'm not positive if something on top of the pin or in the cup causes this to happen.
It got me on Congressional #6 once and again at STA, can't remember the hole.
WOW thats good stuff at least its dry LOL
IRISHPUNK:deserves a free sleeve of balls
Replace the lost ball is fair enough.
IRISHPUNK: Not exactly but watch this crap. Full discloser... this guy is in my club. Prepared to be shocked. IMO, this guy deserves a free sleeve of balls. Hopefully, wgt will step up and do the right thing here.
Yup, this one is extreme!
ZioMio: IRISHPUNK:deserves a free sleeve of balls Replace the lost ball is fair enough.
He also lost a chance at 500 credits worth of skins when the other two players failed to make the green. His shot obviously would have landed pretty close to the hole, giving him a chance to win those credits.