Mkg - please re-read my post and pay attention to the implication of freedom of association and recall that we are talking about privately funded (not public) clubs.
I, personally, disagree with organizations based upon sex, race or ethnicity but I am a veteran and will 'vigorously' defend people's right to form such organizations and associate with whom they please. It is none of my da*ned business what other people, legally, do and I do not make it a practice to tell other people what they are to believe.
Putting one's nose where it does not belong, has the potential to be quite painful - so I take my Mom's advice to "Mind your own beeswax". I do not have the right to tell other people what they are to do or believe or how to run their lives!
So, again, if I choose to form a private club, in the U.S.A., of short, green people who have only 8 toes, I have a right to do so and I do not expect to hear one word of complaint from 10 toed, green, short people as it is none of their 'beeswax' nor for that matter yours! As stated, the 10 toed, green, short folks are free to form their own club!!
Have a nice day!