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Right on Alex

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Sat, Jun 29 2013 5:59 PM (40 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 9:13 PM

    In this modern world we all live in at the moment....  there should be no gender or colour based clubs.... with a few exceptions within reason.

    Augusta was a white male only club...until Tiger came on the scene... now they a few female members on thier list.... which is great.

    Golf Clubs should be open to all genders and colour I think.

    The exceptions would be.... the exclusive Mens only Clubs, I'm sure that there would be Exclusive Womens only clubs... if not.. why not.

    Professional Sporting Teams should be gender based and not mixed, I don't want to see a young lady getting killed by a bloke on the sporting field....

    Now saying that some females would be heaps better than some of our wimps in a footy

    ...unless they are playing in local mixed teams...which is great fun... I've played in local mixed indoor cricket teams...  just great.


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 9:27 PM

    I haven't climbed on a high horse, nor have I "played the race card" whatever the hell that means.  I've asked a simple question...would anyone here feel comfortable belonging to or tolerating the existence of a club whose membership was strictly whites only?

    If you're fine with a club like that, then I have nothing more to say to you.  If you're not, then my next question is, where do you draw the line?  Is it okay to discriminate based on gender?  Is it okay to say "No Women Allowed!"  Or how about "No Hispanics!"

    Freedom doesn't mean the freedom to deny life, liberty, and/or the pursuit of happiness to others based on gender, skin color, religious persuasion or lack thereof, or gender preference.

    So don't lecture me about rights and freedoms...they aren't reserved for a select few, they supposedly include all of us.

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 9:54 PM


    Ya know...mixed feelings...


    But here in the US...I can't join the YWCA and a host of other women only clubs/associations.


    I see nothing wrong, as long as it is not a public/gov owned entity.


    Say I started a Chevy club on my own...should Fords be allowed into it?

    Comparing equality between males and females to different makes of cars.. possibly the worst analogy i have ever heard.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 10:27 PM

    Wheels65, of course you can have a club for veterans exclusively, but you can't say "white veterans only" or "male veterans only" or "heterosexual veterans only."

    See the difference?

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 11:15 PM


    I haven't climbed on a high horse, nor have I "played the race card" whatever the hell that means.  I've asked a simple question...would anyone here feel comfortable belonging to or tolerating the existence of a club whose membership was strictly whites only?

    If you're fine with a club like that, then I have nothing more to say to you.  If you're not, then my next question is, where do you draw the line?  Is it okay to discriminate based on gender?  Is it okay to say "No Women Allowed!"  Or how about "No Hispanics!"

    Freedom doesn't mean the freedom to deny life, liberty, and/or the pursuit of happiness to others based on gender, skin color, religious persuasion or lack thereof, or gender preference.

    So don't lecture me about rights and freedoms...they aren't reserved for a select few, they supposedly include all of us.

    Very well said :)


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 11:38 PM

    Roger, tyvm my friend. :-)

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 7:28 AM

    Mkg - please re-read my post and pay attention to the implication of freedom of association and recall that we are talking about privately funded  (not public) clubs.

      I, personally, disagree with organizations based upon sex, race or ethnicity but I am a veteran and will 'vigorously' defend people's right to form such organizations and associate with whom they please. It is none of my da*ned business what other people, legally, do and I do not make it a practice to tell other people what they are to believe.

    Putting one's nose where it does not belong, has the potential to be quite painful - so I take my Mom's advice to "Mind your own beeswax".  I do not have the right to tell other people what they are to do or believe or how to run their lives!

    So, again, if I choose to form a private club, in the U.S.A., of short, green people who have only 8 toes, I have a right to do so and I do not expect to hear one word of complaint from 10 toed, green, short people  as it is none of their 'beeswax' nor for that matter yours! As stated, the 10 toed, green, short folks are free to form their own club!!

    Have a nice day!

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 8:13 AM

    I have a couple of women friends who are my equal. As a matter of fact, they're superior in some ways. This does not alter the fact that we are, nonetheless, different. 

    They choose to belong to a gym that I can't join because I'm male. They don't want a bunch of wide-eyed, testosteronal males checking out their bods while they're working out. I don't blame them.

    Enforced inequality for spurious reasons is what is bad.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 8:29 AM


    Mkg - please re-read my post and pay attention to the implication of freedom of association and recall that we are talking about privately funded  (not public) clubs.

      I, personally, disagree with organizations based upon sex, race or ethnicity but I am a veteran and will 'vigorously' defend people's right to form such organizations and associate with whom they please. It is none of my da*ned business what other people, legally, do and I do not make it a practice to tell other people what they are to believe.

    Putting one's nose where it does not belong, has the potential to be quite painful - so I take my Mom's advice to "Mind your own beeswax".  I do not have the right to tell other people what they are to do or believe or how to run their lives!

    So, again, if I choose to form a private club, in the U.S.A., of short, green people who have only 8 toes, I have a right to do so and I do not expect to hear one word of complaint from 10 toed, green, short people  as it is none of their 'beeswax' nor for that matter yours! As stated, the 10 toed, green, short folks are free to form their own club!!

    Have a nice day!

    Wheels65, I say with all due respect that you're missing my point here.  I'm not telling anyone with whom they may or may not associate nor am I telling anyone what to believe or how to run his or her life.

    Your example of the ten-toed green short folks also misses the point.  Discrimination based on creed, color, national origin or gender preference is against the law.

    You'll note in a previous post I used your own example of a club exclusively for veterans and noted that there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, as long as they don't say "white veterans only" or "non-Hispanic veterans only" etc.

    I get the impression that some of you here are getting overdosed on some of the usual Fox/Limbaugh tripe and it's compromised your capacity for rational thinking.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 8:37 AM


    Wheels65, of course you can have a club for veterans exclusively, but you can't say "white veterans only" or "male veterans only" or "heterosexual veterans only."

    See the difference?

    I hope he does now..?

    He obviously doesn't know you Mark or he wouldn't have presumed anything else :)
