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Help Wanted...Christmas in July

Tue, Jul 7 2015 12:30 PM (133 replies)
  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 5:04 PM

    Once again I am honored to be a part of the giving.


    I cannot thank you enough for participating again this year. It's great to read how you've become friends with the some of the recipients from last year.

    Also, you, me and Garygun will have to fight for the "worst legend ever"! LOL

    Details coming.


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 5:07 PM

    I hope to find some newer players that need that first upgrade to make the game better for them

    You got it OPY!

    That's the goal.


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 5:59 PM

    Hey everyone-

    I've added another "Day" and WGT will be playing Santa with us this time around. We've been in talks for a few days and I can't say enough about how happy I am that they're joining us during this event.

    Thank you to everyone at WGT that helped put this together.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 6:19 PM

    Well done, and thank you all. WGT you have restored my faith in a great game.

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 6:21 PM

    Sure as hell would be nice to know that they're in on this, as well.


    Ask and you shall receive.

    WGT is in!!!!!!!!!


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 6:24 PM

    Well done, and thank you all. WGT you have restored my faith in a great game.


    Great news....I think!


  • Elknoxious
    1,123 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 9:30 PM


    Edit- i have added another "Day" and it will be taken by "WGT" and it'll be called a "Special Day". Thanks to WGT, in advance, for jumping on the bandwagon and joining us.

    There are 12 days in the giveaway and these are the guys playing Santa.

     Special Day- WGT

    12th Day- looselugnutz

    11th Day- lonnieskinner

    10th Day- alcaucin

    9th Day- patriciawilliams

    8th Day- lobsters lair country club

    7th Day- Lobsterboy

    6th Day- legendcrusher

    5th Day- twominusone

    4th Day- opyeuclid

    3rd Day- Shrude

    2nd Day- Renniw52

    1st Day- pjctas0822

    Thank you all in advance and let's have some fun!!!




    Wow MC that is remarkable! Nice job MC and huge thanks to WGT and to all the Santa's. 

  • looselugnutz
    1,608 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 10:45 PM

    My most sincere thanks to you, MC, and to WGT for joining us.  Looking forward to the festivities beginning on the 12th, and to the comradery and future rounds I hope to have with both the gifters and the giftees.


  • VirtualGareth
    94 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 11:47 PM

    Again lads, just wanted to say that I think this is a great idea.

    I think that it is important that the community recognize that this is not the only time of the year that members help others out by gifting stuff to them. I know that I have certainly benefited from the generosity of those who play and enjoy the game.

    What I have to contribute next time around may well be small but you can count me in to give whatever credit balance I have at the time to help out with the next "12 Days" event.

    Its great to see WGT get behind this too!

    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 1:52 AM

    WOW, well done to MC for contacting WGT, and to WGT for getting in on the action. A special event made all the more special by WGT's involvement, great to see.