One of the outcomes to our little investigation about the extreme long pause between swing and ding was the fact that people did that to give the processor a bit of rest.
It turns out that if you hold the backswing the activity from the processor drops froma bout 40% to less than 5%, which is btw extremely logical, because at the moment you hold the backswing, there IS ALMOST NO ACTIVITY FOR THE COMPUTER TO PERFORM.
But curious as i was, i tried it...........................and got the same amount of metered shots I usually have. Even my first attempt resulted in a metered shot.
Does that mean it does not work? I dont know, I dont believe it for a second, i think even that the opposite could be true, using some kind of flow in your shot using the capabilities of your computer would suit the game better.
But people seem to believe in holding, however, when thats extended to more then 10 seconds, is it so strange to ask not only yourself, but also the player who does that, why that is????