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meter problems

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 5 2013 6:43 AM (3 replies)
  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2013 3:27 PM

    Just got a new laptop to replace the old one that was dying to try and get my meter back something like it used to be.tried my maxthon browser and meters worse than it was before- same with chrome,ie didn't seem as bad but still not great,the main problem is now the meter stops way past the ding and close on the line after every shot all the browsers iv'e tried.Any ideas would be appreciated as i was not amused by the response i got from contacting WGT to be told closing other windows would help,are these support guys for real,as if i hadn't thought of that after and year and half on here and 56 avg tnx ROCKY

  • jkw1022
    26 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2013 4:10 PM

    Have a try with the new 3 click swing meter.  Might help.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 11:58 PM

    Where is the customer service personell?


    the main problem is now the meter stops way past the ding and close on the line after every shot all the browsers iv'e tried.
    You mean it moves on when you click?

    This would be significant for the Pepperflash / Chrome bug but not in other browsers. Strange...

    Is it Maxthon 3 you have or 4/Cloud?

    Generally, clear the caches, update Flash, try Firefox or other browsers...

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 6:43 AM

    First. Get on Maxthon Browser. I'd recommend only using Maxthon for WGT, so it never loads up with any other websites data. 

    Second. You have to change your theme to basic. I believe if you right click your desktop, then click personalize, it brings you into the themes area. You want windows 7 basic. Shown below: 

    Another thing to try is working on your mouse drivers. You want to install drivers/software from the website of the manufacturer. If you have a gaming mouse go to their website and get the drivers from there and re-install the mouse that way. When you just plug in a usb mouse windows8 will install any drivers it finds to get the mouse functional. Your DPI settings wont be perfect unless you install the mouse correctly. 
