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CC invitations ?

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Thu, Aug 19 2010 4:23 PM (3 replies)
  • mreddy
    895 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2010 4:13 PM

    Some of my club invitations don't seem to get through to the players I invite , they want to join , but it seems like we keep sending request's and invites back and forth to one another. anyone else have this problem ? How long should I wait awile before I cancell invites and reinvite ?  Thank you WGT , by the way , I love the Country Club concept .

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2010 4:20 PM

    Hi mreddy,

    When you send an invite to another player (or when you accept someone's request to join your club) an email will be sent to that player.  The email will be delivered to the email address listed on the players account.  Included in that email will be a confirmation link that the player must click while being logged in to WGT.  Once the player clicks the link in the invitation email they are added to your club.

    That's all there is to it. =)

    The most common problems we see with CC invites are:

    • The player you are inviting (or confirming) has an incorrect email listed in their account settings, so they will never receive the email.  Email address can be changed by clicking on the ACCOUNT button then clicking on the CONTACT INFO tab at the top of the page.  The player should make sure there are no typos and that they have access to the email listed.
    • The player you are inviting is unable to receive emails from WGT or the emails are being redirected to a spam/junk folder.  The player will need to make an exception in their email client to allow emails from
    • The player is not logged in to WGT when they click the confirmation link in the invitation email.  They should log in before they click the link.

    If anyone is having problems receiving their invites point them to this thread and have them check the things I listed above.  Once they check their settings and email then clear off the pending invite for that player and send a new one by visiting the player's profile and clicking the INVITE TO COUNTRY CLUB link at the top.  The system is rather simple, but it does rely on folks giving accurate information and being able to receive emails from us (which is necessary anyway should a player win a prize or drawing).

    Good Luck =)

  • mreddy
    895 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2010 5:19 PM

    Thank you WGTniv  , mreddy

  • CFish58
    1 Posts
    Thu, Aug 19 2010 4:23 PM

    Good info. I received an email with an invite to a country club. I missed the fact that I had to be logged in before I clicked on the link. I clicked the link and it took me ot my profile page. I have not found an button or link to accept the invite. I sent a message to the owner and he says that I am showing as pending, but he is not able or allowed to resend an invite. Is there anything that can be done to correct the situation? I have logged in and went back to click on the invite link, but again it took me to my profile page. Should I just move on and try to find a different country club? Thanks for your assistance.