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The quest for level 92'ers to make lvl 93 before end August

Thu, Aug 8 2013 10:59 AM (121 replies)
  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 1:19 AM

    Hey, a guy's gotta make a living!

    (mutts, just humor MB, he's been off his meds for a few days and on top of that, I'm pretty sure he was thrown for a loop by your use of the word "churlish")

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 1:55 AM


    just need re-affirmation guys, as it would be churlish after all this effort not to take advantage of a club that will be over a year away in the normal run of things.


    Mark lied, the driver is a pig...280 max, ya getting shafted.


    FFS, should have stuck with the Starter driver, effing Mark is a WGT employee, and gets a commission on me, I know this

    Yep less than G20 all a sham HO HO

  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 4:58 AM

    Well, I have 5 days to mull things over, 8 sleeves of Nikes with my G20 is still a consideration.

    Maybe I'll have a game with Joe and see how much better he is.

  • ksinfield
    310 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 5:35 AM


    just need re-affirmation guys, as it would be churlish after all this effort not to take advantage of a club that will be over a year away in the normal run of things.


    Mark lied, the driver is a pig...280 max, ya getting shafted.


    FFS, should have stuck with the Starter driver, effing Mark is a WGT employee, and gets a commission on me, I know this....

    what a load of bull

    for the forgiveness alone its worth it.

    at least once a round i will hit too late or too early and think to myself "oh f..k thats me in 30/40 or worse" only to find that the ball lands in the fairway

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 5:49 AM


    what a load of bull

    for the forgiveness alone its worth it.


    LOL. Got another one, MB.  :-D


  • CocaColaKid19
    13 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 6:12 AM

    I'm at level 91, and will probably get to 93 in time- but my question is more for wgt's pro shop- why do they have the black and white R1 for the same level at 11 and 48, but not for level 93 / 98. The black is level 93, and the white is level 98. I prefer the white. Now if the answer is bc its a limited edition, then why are they the same for the lower levels, and not for the top level ..

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 6:27 AM


    Well, I have 5 days to mull things over, 8 sleeves of Nikes with my G20 is still a consideration.

    Maybe I'll have a game with Joe and see how much better he is.

    My Goodness..... you have done the hard yards....  You can see the finish line and you now have second thoughts.

    Too late to turn back.... Go For IT......  if you don't get it now.... then wait for 5 more levels, when it's gone and not available at L93    (over 1mill points, I think)

    Only 5yrds difference to the R11(s) and sometimes less .... but the R1does have that 'X Factor'...when you do a shot and go WOW.


  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 6:41 AM



    what a load of bull

    for the forgiveness alone its worth it.


    LOL. Got another one, MB.  :-D


    That looks like a big one , lol

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 6:51 AM

    Anyone who knows MB will tell you he had tongue firmly planted in cheek. 

    One thing to remember...the Nike balls are disposable, the driver isn't.

    After a day with the R1, I sold back the R11s without a hint of regret...the boomstick is that good.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 8:00 AM

    Anyone who knows MB will tell you he had tongue firmly planted in cheek. 

    And if you're not careful you'll find it planted somewhere else.  ;-)