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Power Meter

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 19 2013 2:20 PM (27 replies)
  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 11:10 AM

    I already tried Maxthon 3  , Maxthon is a Chrome clone anyways , it runs on the chrome browser so why people suddenly think Maxthon is the answer too everything i have no idea, although i do appreciate the suggestion. What works for one does not work for another always. There is no way it is the browsers at all that is a fact. Both IE and Chrome use Graphics card too accelerate thing's and can handle all sorts of thing's. As i have said before this is flash based problem within the game and that's that.

  • ScottHope
    10,665 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 1:55 PM


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jul 5 2013 10:10 PM


    I already tried Maxthon 3  , Maxthon is a Chrome clone anyways , it runs on the chrome browser so why people suddenly think Maxthon is the answer too everything i have no idea, although i do appreciate the suggestion.

    I'm afraid you are wrong there.


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 12:54 PM

    The meter functions on your computer, not on WGT's server.

    Any meter issues you have are local to your computer system.

    You need to have as few programs or other processes as possible running. In particular check what applications/processes are running in the background. Shut down as many as possible.

    Turn off as many Menu > Options as you can. I set the Flash Quality to - Medium, and only leave on Aerial Multi-Cam, Aim Arc, and Ball Trails (Replay).

    I use Chrome, have the absolute minimum of applications running, and have only 2 tabs open - the Game page and WGT Caddy.

    Lastly, it seems to help smooth the meter if you take a practice swing.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 7:34 PM

    not sure about window 8 but all previous(if you have Vista u may have to go microsoft and download it) go.... to "run"...type in msconfig and hit ok....startup...uncheck all the cr@p that starts up when you boot, leave system files/Av's/firewalls/ checked...then go to services tab, check  "hide all microsoft", and do the apply then ok, then exit without'll boot faster and use less resources.

    if your playing on a laptop with shared memory get used to the glitches.

  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 2:26 PM

    This helps for me on all browsers if you are using Windows Vista or later...

    Right click on your browser shortcut and change the following, OK Windows may not look as pretty but flash works better without Windows Aero eye candy.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 9:42 AM



    I already tried Maxthon 3  , Maxthon is a Chrome clone anyways , it runs on the chrome browser so why people suddenly think Maxthon is the answer too everything i have no idea, although i do appreciate the suggestion.

    I'm afraid you are wrong there.


    About what exactly ? Enlighten me :)

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 9:46 AM


    The meter functions on your computer, not on WGT's server.

    Any meter issues you have are local to your computer system.

    You need to have as few programs or other processes as possible running. In particular check what applications/processes are running in the background. Shut down as many as possible.

    Turn off as many Menu > Options as you can. I set the Flash Quality to - Medium, and only leave on Aerial Multi-Cam, Aim Arc, and Ball Trails (Replay).

    I use Chrome, have the absolute minimum of applications running, and have only 2 tabs open - the Game page and WGT Caddy.

    Lastly, it seems to help smooth the meter if you take a practice swing.


    Hi , It is not a computer related issue i have tested so many possibilities and dont have anything running when playing same as i dont when playing any other game on my PC. I do remember reading in an other post by wgt that most of power meter issues were server related issues. It's not always  it's random when it happens and has been happening even more often too a friend i play with. Like i always say not here too start a riot or anything just would like too see them figure out a long term solution too the issue.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 9:48 AM


    not sure about window 8 but all previous(if you have Vista u may have to go microsoft and download it) go.... to "run"...type in msconfig and hit ok....startup...uncheck all the cr@p that starts up when you boot, leave system files/Av's/firewalls/ checked...then go to services tab, check  "hide all microsoft", and do the apply then ok, then exit without'll boot faster and use less resources.

    if your playing on a laptop with shared memory get used to the glitches.

    Im on Windows 8 pal. Oh dont worry i dont have sh*t loading up when i boot im a pc gamer and geek lol i know what im doing i just dont know how too help wgt solve this issue lol. It's boggling me.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:09 PM

    every program/app you have on your computer loads on bootup if you don't shut them down PAL....

    I have about 4 minor meter glitches a round but what I have done is condition myself to lift my finger off the mouse when it happens, now it gets me about once in 25 glitches