Merion hole 1; 13mph wind to the right and slightly forward, Champion tees, and I know with my driver and fbs that I will likely either need to choke up to avoid overshooting the fairway, or do a nice fade. Move the aiming arrow a bit to the left to get around the trees on the right and avoid fading too much and drop in that bunker on the right in front of the green, full swing, click a bit into the dark blue on the right, and... on the fairway, 57yds to the pin. It is beautiful to see that ball go up, out, and arc around those trees.
Ditto on OLY hole 4. Place the aiming arrow a bit to the right of the path from tee to fairway (from Hard and Champion tees), fbs, click in the dark blue to the left. Adjust spot clicked in dark blue, aiming arrow placement, and possibly strength of swing depending upon the wind, and watch it fly!