I have had my nike golf balls land on fairways, on my next turn it will say lost ball! This has happened more than once! I will start printing my screen and save it for future reference, it gets expensive and old after awhile. Please fix or so something about this. I will take legal action if this continues to happen, it's wrong and not right if it's done randomly to make profits.
Like everyone else, sorry I do not buy the fact the ball is lost. It would be taken out due to its durability running out (red at bottom right of screen).
I looked at your history and from the time you purchase balls, the amount of games you play, this useage seems normal. Most balls have about 100-120 hits excluding putts)
But to be honest, I would advise you to use a cheaper ball. At pro level and with your clubs, you are not getting the benefit of such a good ball. With the savings you could upgrade your irons which would improve your game.
By allmeans take screen shots, but unless WGT are solely picking on you with "fairway lost balls" I don't think we will see anything new,