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Alternate Shot Stats?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 16 2013 9:37 AM (4 replies)
  • ChefJen
    26 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 10:35 AM

    Do putts and drives not count in alternate shot? Made a perfect 51ft putt and its not showing up in my stats.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 1:07 PM

    Yes, they don't.

  • ChefJen
    26 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 2:27 PM

    Booooooooo on WGT

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 4:05 PM

    yea its a nightmare when we hit a good shot.

    had a few hole in one's on alt shot 

    when i hit a gr8 shot to the green in 2 on par 5's i say to myslef pls no , i dont want my 1st double eagle on alt shot

    still not had 1 yet.

    but your answer is no , multi player games dont count to your stats, only alt shot game wins and loses 


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 9:37 AM


    Do putts and drives not count in alternate shot? Made a perfect 51ft putt and its not showing up in my stats.

    As mentioned earlier, no they don't, but overall record, regardless of who quits, is kept.


      That takes me to what just transpired;

    I just searched for a suitable game, found one I thought was, but my opponent, the creator of the game, never teed off.  Now it gets dicey.  His partner is yelling at him (actually caps locked texting) and calls him an idiot for wasting our time.  We reconnect as always, and never get him to tee off.  We get disconnected again, and the notice says,"  You or your partner has quit, and you've lost the match."  WTF is that?  Stevens8 must have a great alt shot record if he just sets up games, never tees off, then pisses off his opponents by doing so.  I never quit and his partner texted, just before the notice, that he was outta there. Pretty crappy system that rewards a sneak, and penalizes honest people looking for a match.  Thought I'd just share that, although most probably don't care.  BOLTA and please finish your matches if you start one, thanks.

