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Implementation too stop cheats/trolls

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 17 2013 9:06 AM (13 replies)
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  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 1:24 PM

    Ok so hear is what happened. Created a Ranked Stroke game. 3 players join. We all click too start first hole loads , everyone joins apart from 1 player so we cant start. This guy simply does not start , take us back too menu , he obviously starts again with us all and repeats process until it kicks us too menu then he repeats the process till all players quit. 

    Why in the wold does (A) the software not kick a player for inactivity. (B) Give an option too Host too remove an inactive player. (C) Why does game not start until all players have clicked start. There seriously needs too be some changes implemented too stop people like the guy in question from abusing the game and ruining peoples enjoyment which for the most part people pay for. The player in question was ROCKNTAZ who after checking his stats etc has no stats at all. So simply this guy is on here too troll games and annoy people but nothing is there too stop this and nothing done too ban this guy.

    Sorry WGT but this is unacceptable and something needs too be done.




  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 1:36 PM

    So simply this guy is on here too troll games and annoy people


    .. or is a complete newbie and doen't know how to navagate around WGT. Lets cut him some slack for now.

    From his activity log >

    02 Jul
  • biggtoad
    1,360 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 1:51 PM

    hmmmm, I wonder how long this will be here?

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 2:01 PM

    I sat for 29 minutes im pretty sure he could of worked out the continue button within that time. A troll is a troll.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 2:07 PM

    Firstly, there are some jerks that join games who may think what they are doing is funny. The simple truth is they are usually juveniles and their IQ is lower than that of an ant. Sadly once a game commences the player can only time out and cannot be removed - a pain waiting but I think most of these players hope the others forfeit as it is their best chance of winning. You can report a player using the links at the bottom of the page, but inactivity is probably not considered a pressing issue by WGT.

    To avoid this, play with friends. You belong to a large CC, so introduce yourself to the members and play with them. By doing so your are in charge, playing with randoms is fraught with these issues. If you do host a game with randoms, ensure they have a good completion rate (green tick), if not boot them.

    Finally I do not think WGT needs to do anything, they are not the activity police, and as players, we have enough information at hand to make a good judgement call on to whom to play with.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 2:16 PM

    Hi Alanti.

    I dont play a lot of random games i only play 2-3 per day stroke play and i do play with club members. But the point is the developers should be implementing the kind of changes i mentioned. We pay good money too play there product so they should be trying too get things like this sorted out for there customers. That's all im saying. I did report the player also.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 2:34 PM

    Hi Darren just to further answer your questions.

    A) Sadly for the software detect inactivity is simply a little difficult, and this is why all multi-player games are timed. The software does not detect whether the player is active, it just detects whether that player hits within that timeframe. And issues the penalty as a consequence. Yes fruestrating for the others, but just have a good chinwag in that time.

    B) The Host can remove any player, for any reason , if a player wont start, I have no hesitation in booting them (or for any other reason lol). So that puts the host in control. If a player rocks up with an orange tick, I will just leave if I am not the host or ask the host to boot (if you know the host)

    C) The game will start after all players have pressed start - if it is not starting someone is not playing ball, so go to point B, and get those steel capped boots out.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 2:38 PM

    Hi Alanti 

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Appreciate the adult replies.



  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Jul 7 2013 2:42 PM

    If you ask me whoever hosted the game and tried to start with him in the game is the dumb one.

    I mean for real. I know I know you didnt ask me but Im telling you anyway LOL.

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 7:44 AM


    If you ask me whoever hosted the game and tried to start with him in the game is the dumb one.

    I mean for real. I know I know you didnt ask me but Im telling you anyway LOL.

    I actually think the term dumb is what springs too mind when i read your post. Clearly your not very clever but you went down too a new level of stupidity now. Take care.


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