DaddysKat:break it down for someone OS challenged, please share with me.
Use Photobucket as your hosting site.
- Go to and register.
- You can select a name for an album.
- Click on Upload Images and Videos
- Select the picture you want from files, or desktop on your computer.
- Click Open - Next screen, you can give titles and descriptions to each picture.(Or you can bypass this by going directly to Save)
- Click Save
To Post on the Forum from Photobucket
- Go to your album.
- Select the picture.
- Generate code. - Click on small square under pic Scroll down to bottom of page - choose action Generate link codes.
- Then choose the IMG for bulletin boards & forums.
- Copy the Link ( it may say copy is on your clipboard, which means it is copied and ready to paste)
- Last, Paste the link at WGT.
I think that should do it. :-)