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aww, disappointing!!!

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 10 2013 10:41 AM (3 replies)
  • david180667
    5 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 3:52 PM

    Hi all

    Just had my first game, and the bloody thing just stopped and gave me a blank screen on the 6th hole - so frustrating.  Does this happen often - not a good start!  So if Joepoe6622 is reading, it wasn't me, it was the game that disconnected!

    Also, how do you send messages?  I click on MY MESSAGES and it takes me to the screen, but I can't see an option to send.  Even if I go to a gamers profile, there is not option to send them a message.

    Also, when sending a message in-game, my spacebar doesn't work - anyone seen this before?  I was advised to try hitting F11, but that didn't work......

    Thanks in advance


  • Fubar057
    170 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 5:47 PM

    Happens all the time and then some

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2013 6:45 PM

    Does this happen often - not a good start!

    For me very infrequently but look at the following to ensure your computer is optimized for play.

    Also, how do you send messages?

    You can only send messages to friends. If they are not a friend you can wall post them after you click on their profile.

    And you are obviously using Chrome which has the spacebar issue or - just use the search ------------>>>>>

     I believe it is to do with pepper flash

    It is a great game and once you work out the few things will be hooked.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2013 10:41 AM


    Does this happen often - not a good start!

    For me very infrequently but look at the following to ensure your computer is optimized for play.

    Also, how do you send messages?

    You can only send messages to friends. If they are not a friend you can wall post them after you click on their profile.

    And you are obviously using Chrome which has the spacebar issue or - just use the search ------------>>>>>

     I believe it is to do with pepper flash

    It is a great game and once you work out the few things will be hooked.

    alanti covered it very well:)

    we have a thread in bug forum regard space button for more details.
