I a master not a good 1 .I have a problim when I host a game and a legan come on I have 2 play on turment green I not that good why cant WGT programe the game so I can play on regular green and the legan are ture master play on turm. green I can,t enjoy the game struglim on put I dont mine losing I just want to play well .have any sujection execpt kicking him off
I'd suggest joining a Country Club and "friending" some members, so when you set up a game, you can invite from your friends list those who play on the same greens as you.
All rated / ranked games are on the green of the highest tiered player, except tournaments. Only these cannot be played in groups.
Thus you might set up practice games for slower greens, with the downside that ev1 will play from the same tees.