A very good and astute post for a "newbie".
With point one, as you are aware, the game is designed to make a profit so I can't see "free credits" being handed out. However what should be done is a fairer "reward/award system. So by improving and tiering up you get a reward that is tangible, not the current 100 or so credits that effectively will buy you nothing to compensate for the tier increase. To me the current system just promotes sandbagging.
But on the subject of equipment/credits - I advise you do not buy ANY upgrades until at least the higher level 40s or 50s. Any equipment you buy before this will simply not last as you tier up - and that will not take long. Just take the time to learn all aspects of the game.
Point 2 - I am not sure if that clubs gifted should not be used in comps, and would be difficult to implement coding for this. But yes multi accounts is rife and it should be WGT that are proactive in reducing this. As a new player you have obviously seen evidence of multis, but WGT appear to be oblivious to this issue. One area I would like to see tightened up is rental clubs - these should only be allowed in practice mode. You see the multis come out in force in the free tournys on free clubs rental weekends.
Point 3 - Basically this exists and is called forgiveness and the better clubs do have a larger sweet spot (extra dots of forgiveness). The starters clubs are not great so you will get more inconsistent results with them but like I said earlier, it is not worth getting better clubs until much later so they will last.
By all means if money is not an issue, buy buy buy. But as it appears money is an issue, try and earn as many free credits as possible and accrue them until you can get much better clubs that will last.
Most importantly, just enjoy the game and just set yourself goals, and try and not focus on the players in your level who are shooting incredible scores - truth is as you probably are aware, they probably are a multi accounter who is a Legend or higher and see the easy pickings at the lower levels but couldn't make it at their first account level