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saturation point

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Fri, Jul 12 2013 6:57 PM (44 replies)
  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 12:26 AM

    hello wgt can i would like some advice on saturation point in legend tier ?

    i personally have never experienced saturation point in any tier so it kinda feels like a big old myth 

    At the moment if i hit a 28 some times a 29 my average will drop a little

    if i hit a 30 it rises a little.

    does this meen i still have not reached saturation point ?



    2,580 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 12:34 AM

    I might as well have my say while your post is up MK. My average is dropping like a stone, even though im hitting some very mediocre rounds, and a lot of them at that.

    What gives WGT?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 12:55 AM

    MM, as your "average" rises on a 30, it would suggest you haven't hit saturation, In addition if you had you would automatically become TL with the average.500 games as legend required (as your aberage is sub 60)

    For us players with 500 legend games,the initial drop is quite fun (the higher the scores in the mix the bigger the drop), then it will even out and only the sub 30s will make the desired impact. I think the 61 to 60 will be one heck of a slog for me....if I live that long lol.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 12:59 AM
    I know it's too late now but it's a good idea to copy down your stats when you change tiers, then you can work out lots of info like saturation, improvement in GIR and putting etc.
  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 1:14 AM


    MM, as your "average" rises on a 30, it would suggest you haven't hit saturation, In addition if you had you would automatically become TL with the average.500 games as legend required (as your aberage is sub 60)

    For us players with 500 legend games,the initial drop is quite fun (the higher the scores in the mix the bigger the drop), then it will even out and only the sub 30s will make the desired impact. I think the 61 to 60 will be one heck of a slog for me....if I live that long lol.

    is it 500 rounds as Legend from when you originally reached Legend; or is it 500 rounds at Legend since the TL tier was intro'd ?

    i remember when my avg was around 60.05 that it took 2 consecutive 29's to move it down 0.01 .. lol, good times

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 1:14 AM

    I know it's too late now but it's a good idea to copy down your stats when you change tiers, then you can work out lots of info like saturation, improvement in GIR and putting etc.

    Great idea, I wish I had done that, I knew roughly how many games I had played to make legend but thats about it. I know when I turned Master my saves were below 15% lol (damn Ms Fish is now in hysterics). And if you asked me now, I still wouldn;t have the foggiest, but I am sure OEJ's are probably better lol.

    EDIT - Chris I am pretty sure it is 500 games as legend - I know you are closer to TL than me lol

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 1:42 AM

    I know it's too late now but it's a good idea to copy down your stats when you change tiers, then you can work out lots of info like saturation, improvement in GIR and putting etc.

    Also +1

    I never did that, and playing par 3s QUICKLY LOL for L93 any GIR / putting stat that might have been half worth tracking is BLOWN I would think LOL but L93 v nearly so needs must LOL.....I digress a little but stats are another one on the WGT to do list.  Even before I blew mine up I said par 3 stats should be separate - anyway I do digress and anther one for the WGT to do list :)

    YES ROUNDS played within Legend tier must be 500 minimum with a 59.99 (not 60??) average.  I came across the game by chance and my old 1990 Sega Mega Drive training PGA Tour LOL taining must have been OK as zoomed through to TM (never looking much in to anything). Then happily sauntering along at TM with a 61.# average, beat a Legend fair and square and Legend haha, BUT THEN BRICK WALL LOL - jeepers the game was DIFFERENT.  I well remember my first Legend round and was sporting a 72 average for my efforts.  Still knowing crapola I never thought to record how many rounds I had played, but when saturation is hit and those scores get kicked out here is NO mistaking what is going on! How close you are to that type of experience I do not know, but said it in case it helps:)  

    I remember asking Alosso same / similar when I thought it must be coming up, and he told me what would happen exactly and he was, as ever, exactly right:)

    EDIT: Had a quick butchers at your page LOL....You are a v good player so just keep doing what doing and it will happen.  I did do OK in a very few tourney's toward the end of my Legend Tier time, but don't think that matter's (well not much anyway if at all).

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 2:04 AM

    The threshold is always on the exact number, thus 60.000 for TL.


    I might as well have my say while your post is up MK. My average is dropping like a stone, even though im hitting some very mediocre rounds, and a lot of them at that.

    What gives WGT?

    WGT will not reply, they avoid to make firm statements on their "secret".

    How did the average react on your 37/74?

    From your description I guess that you have just reached saturation. At that point, the highest scores are pushed out and replaced by the new ones - the last moment of big movements.

    Two ways to prove it:

    - unless you remember what happened after that 37, play a score more than 36 / 9 holes or 72 / 18 holes. An unsaturated score should move up by 0.01, a saturated one won't move up, maybe down.

    - play a 31 / 62. It won't move an unsaturated score as it hits the average, but in fresh saturation it will kick out another high score and cause a drop.

    2,580 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 2:40 AM

    Thanks for responding Alosso. I reached saturation point a good while back, around 4 months ago maybe. My average stopped going back up way back then. Its just that i noticed when i play a game with maybe a -2 score, my average still drops about 0.1/0.2. I know its only a matter of time until TL comes a begging. But i would rather it was done with scores of -6 or thereabouts.

    EDIT: I watch the average after every game, and i do get what i expect from a good game, as in maybe a drop of 0.2 after a -6 game. This would happen straight after the game, so i know those good scores are affecting my average straight away.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 2:47 AM

    OIC, Two.

    No explanation for that, other than a drastic change (or error) in the average calculation.

    0.01 in average is 5 shots on nine holes, unlikely to be left in your mix after so long(?)

    Did you play any rounds on the Par 3 course lately?