Hi Jimmy(2-1),
As I post your average is sitting at 62.06.
Given that breaking 60 will move you to TL then you have a fair way to go yet my friend.
To become a TL means you taking less than 30,000 strokes in your best 500 ranked rounds. i.e. 30000/500 = 60.
Right now with your average @ 62.06 this means you have 1,030 more strokes to lose from your 500 best rounds(62.06 x 500 = 31,030).
Basically you need to knock a minimum of 2 strokes off every single one of your 500 best rounds - and even that would leave you roughly 30 strokes from making the step up..lol
As WGT only show averages to two decimal points the above is not exact but near enough for you to track your scores on your own.
If you use/have Excel it's easy enough to track your average from here on in. Feel free to pm me and I can send you an easy to use basic worksheet containing all your own average data etc.
* I'm sure Hammering TL's in MP will also reduce your average