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Wed, Jul 17 2013 1:46 PM (5 replies)
  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 1:11 PM

    I've played "real" golf for over 50 years now, and find this game 10 times more aggravating, and addictive.  I never in my life had so many putts stop .1 inch from the hole, left-right-behind, in 360 degrees plus and out, and my favorite, ball gets dead center to hole and backs up .1 AAAARRRR!!!!   I've learned too, that a hill in front of the pin will cause the ball to back up clean off the green, but the same incline behind the pin, well the ball will defy gravity in WTG.  A  20mph cross wind doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be there when you hit the ball, leaving you sitting on your target diamond in the deepest darkest rough, or 50% loss of distance from the rough then your ball goes 125% of it length. :-)  I've managed to get to a 71 average but I seem stuck.  I figure those who are shooting sub 65's and sub 60's play never ending or maybe they play on a large screen TV. But what am I missing, what is it I'm not playing for, should I concern myself with looking and guessing the lie in the rough??? I've noticed on some tournaments the wind doesn't come into play when it says it will, I figure one or two holes to see how it's set up. Any suggestion would be appreciated....ADDICTED!!!!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 2:29 PM

    It's mostly trial and error...and remembering or making notes when a shot goes right so you can replicate it in the future. Certain holes on certain courses have their own idiosyncrasies which need putting in the memory bank too.

    Search -------> for a putting formula that works for you and fine tune it...You should be able to putt from 15+ yrds to within 2ft

    You're doing ok anyway, don't think I made Master till L62....One day it will all come together and it'll seem so simple !  Accumulation of knowledge I guess.

    GL and any specific questions then 'Wall' me and if I've got the answers I'll let you know.



  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 2:32 PM

    Usually, if the ball hardly moves in deep rough, you've tried to get too much on it with the wrong club. Just go for nearest bit of fairway instead.


    I also notice you are using 450cred nike balls while using clubs with very slow meters.Better clubs have faster meters but you wont see any benefit from slow balls, you dont need a slower meter yet.Buy cheaper balls with 2 dots of feel and save your credits for club upgrades.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 3:04 PM

    Great advice by Andy and Paul. This game is hard to master but there is a wealth of great information in these forums - use the search for specifics.

    However if you have been playing golf for 50 years, perhaps you are just tired - thats a heck of a lot of mileage!

    Better clubs obviously help as they are more forgiving and accurate, and personally I would use only a cheaper ball (I used the Tour SD till master) as you will not get the bensfits of the ball with those clubs.

    The two areas that you will improve your scores - short game and putting, These take notes on how far the ball flies and rolls depending on the lies and spin. Learn the distances of your wedges and then work on putting formulas. Master these two aspects and you will start to score a lot better.

    If you want a hit and I am green just ask  and we can talk through some aspects.

  • 111golfdemon
    24 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2013 3:06 PM

    For longer shots from heavy rough hit a punch shot. Also keep in mind that the rough on some courses is much harder to get out of,such as BPB. To level up try playing just 9 holes on a course you are good at over and over and you will score much better. You can set it up in your country club with low wind and unlimited rounds. Good luck !!!

  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 1:46 PM

    thanks for the information, it didn't start out to well....

    bought cheaper balls, 2 dot feel. Played the course I always do well on for practice. 95% of the time I par or birdie the first hole, second shot in the water.......................but what you said is right on the money. Thanks for the good advise, and I found those longer rough shots work much better with a "punch", unless 60-70-80% go to the nearest relief as you said.