alanti: But can I throw in a suggestion for the future (possibly a little presumptious) that we have several santas on the one day (eg, 12th day we have 12 separate santas). This would lesson the individual cost for that person and possibly open it up to more time zones by having Santas popping in throughout the day.
Thank you once again for your kind words.
It's all in the spirit of Christmas and giving..... and I figured "why
should we wait another year to hold another event like the "12 Days".
You know.... during last years event, everything went pretty smoothly. When I announced this "Christmas in July" it started to get a little crazy. I had so many people that wanted to participate that I actually had to turn people away ( but I encouraged them all to give away whenever they wanted to). I had 10 people from the CC I'm in that wanted to play Santa after I announced it in our CC forum.
Look, last year there were plenty of people that weren't officially involved in the "12 Days" and they just decided to give away stuff all on their own.That was incredible! I'm hoping this event will encourage even more people to reach out to others, even if they're not participating in this event. Players were giving away all kinds of free stuff last December and I'm not just talking about the players playing "Santa".
I'm trying to build something here and it doesn't happen over night, or in six months.
To your quote that I've referenced above-
I am planning another event for December, one that takes your idea into consideration and that includes giving more people the opportunity to play Santa..... and us reaching out to a lot more players.
But honestly, this kind of stuff happens every day, we just don't see it and it's not posted in the forums. I personally know of lots of players that send anonymous gifts to others throughout the year. This just happens to be an organized event.
You're on my friends list now and you can expect a message come November asking for your help for Decembers event.
Thanks again Alan,