This is How you Putt Live and Learn
That puts my 122 footer to shame, now I wish I would have never saved my replay. I fool so feelish, just kidding.
thought it was gonna be like a 300ft put ..
mkay .. anywee, nice put man
That was nice!
I had a similar situation on Saint Andrews, sometimes those hilly greens are hard as heck to read.
14 yards, no big deal
Geahry1: This is How you Putt Live and Learn
great product suggestion as always
gmaster007: Geahry1: This is How you Putt Live and Learn great product suggestion as always
Damn wrong Forum oops he he he
replay.aspx?ID=8c2c5733 a3cb 4ab3 a283 a1fa012cd8d4
And one of the all time golfing legends Terry Wogan!
Edit: Just seen that this is "product suggestions" so please can we have Tam O'Shanter's in the pro shop?
fix thisproblem please no one can put up pics again forall the money ive spent on here its time wgt gives out a little by free balls for their mistakes here tired of this everytime wgt does update theirs glitches cmon make it worth our wild please tyvm KK