On the first day of July Xmas my homie PJ gave to me ............A club so that I can hit more trees :)
I am so sorry everyone but bad storms caused my internet to take a dump for most of the day then I fell asleep :)
Check this :
The first person to guess how many kids I have and how many boys and girls are totalled . Hard right ? If you pay attention the answer is quite clear .
I will not be giving the gift until we get to the last day of this giveaway . It gives me time to save up some more credits and I have a person who is helping me out with the cost so.......
Guess away ! Remember you have to guess how many kids I have and their genders :)
Hint I have more than 3 kids !
Oh whats the prize you ask ????
The winner may choose 1 club from the pro shop . Any club of their choice as long as it is 1850 credits or less . Make your choice wisely :)
If nobody guesses the correct answer the person closest will be chosen and this will run for 24 hrs my time EST. It is 1800 hrs now or 6 PM EST now.
Good Luck everyone. And please if you dont need equipment dont play because I am not allowing a person to win just so they can forward the gift ok.