Thanks for the info, out of curiosity, i've read recent posts 'bout VEM, wonder if that's the cause.
Good Luck and hit them straight. Zheng111
Hi, as you've probably noticed there is a huge amount of discussion about VEM... we probably don't need too many more threads about it :)
At this point, as noted, you can expect occasional stray shots even though you feel you have set up and executed the shot perfectly. Just nod your head and move on. With more rounds under your belt, you'll know more about what you can expect from your clubs.
If you are more curious about the software model, it would help to get a few more rounds under your belt so that you can tap your own experience when evaluating and reading about VEM. I've done 200 rounds and can tell you that for me it is still an open question. There are even players with 1000's of rounds that have very different views about how the game behaves.
Anyway, best of luck to you too and enjoy! -Keith