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Anyone prefer Bladez over R11's ?

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Mon, Jul 15 2013 7:18 AM (1 replies)
  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 5:53 AM

    I pulled my Bladez out a few days ago & have been playing with them since .. I was quite surprised how well the 3-4 irons hold compared to the R11's .. not too much difference IMO ..

    Olympic 8th par 3 at 205yds and 22ft elevation .. wind was 10mph exactly 90 deg cross (no head or tail) .. wanted to land 3yds short with full back spin expecting a roll out to pin high .. on the replay I landed 2yds in front of the pin & the ball rolled out 1 yd only, leaving me 1yd below the pin .. that's good hold in my books for a long iron with no headwind ..

    few shots with 3i in slight headwind also stops virtually dead; with some tail into flat green roll out 2yds and done .. i'm thinking I prefer my Bladez

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 7:18 AM

    I tried both the last 2 free rental weekends and I liked the Bladez much better than the R11's. The combination of iron bite, meter speed and forgiveness is near perfection. Still gonna keep playing my G20's just because I'm stubborn as all heck and I prefer the way the shots look off the Pings. ;)