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In the rough

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Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:30 PM (8 replies)
  • ArmeniaKidd
    99 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 11:36 AM


    So im just wondering how much extra power i should add lets say to a 1st cut 20-25% rough to a 161 yd hole? *Just an example*

    Just would like to know how much extra power needed for the 20-25% and the 40-50% rough

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Mon, Jul 15 2013 12:20 PM

    I do not recall where I found this (somewhere in the Forums)  but here it is:

    Accuracy around greens:

    15-20%  -  add 3-5 yds

    20-30%  - add 5-7 yds

    30-40% -  add  10-12 yds

    40-50% - add 15-18 yds

    This seems to work pretty well. If you get into stuff over 50%, I have no clue (and nothing that I've tried works) "don't go there (lol)



  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 12:55 AM

    And for the longer shots, depending on wind, spin, balls you use etc.:

    15-20%  -  add 1 club

    20-30%  - add 2 clubs

    30-40% -  add  3 clubs

    40-50% - add 4 clubs.....especially from 40% and up results may vary. A shorter wedge shot might be the wiser choice than trying for the hole end ending up in the rough...again.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 1:35 AM

    I don't think you'll ever find a calculation that will work in all conditions and distances. Trial and error and keep notes would be my advice as all clubs and balls act differently. I would add though that chipping out of rough is not a good idea and for thicker stuff a full shot or punch is usually best. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2013 2:27 AM

    Just would like to know how much extra power needed for the 20-25% and the 40-50% rough
    Depends on the distance = club to use, and of course on the ground - rough is different to weeds and others.

    Let's stick to plain rough.

    With decent wedges, the impact is roughly 20% less then the number shown, i.e. hardly any from 20%.

    Irons, I usually take the lower number, in your examples, 20% and 40% as additional length requirement.

    Full shots with woods tend to be difficult - ehm - short from 30% up. From that point, I usually take punch shots, and from 40% up, only punched irons. One to 1.5 club numbers more may bring good results of adequate length if the early bump after a low flight finds the fairway. Take the medicine, you won't fly any bunker from there.

    I've heard that top spin is good from high rough.

    From 60% up, take a wedge, aim short way to the fairway, and don't be shy with power.

  • ArmeniaKidd
    99 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:10 PM

    should i put backspin or top spin when getting out of the rough long range?

  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:27 PM

    for shots longer than wedges you don't want any spin at all

    If you are in 40-50 stuff and punching for maximum distance like say a 4 iron for 176 yards, leave the dot where it is by default.

    The better your clubs and balls are , the more effect spin will have on your shot, and missing the ding will exaggerate that effect even more.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:27 PM

    You should try both.

    My guess is that bs might help if the FW is far away, helping the ball to fly a bit longer,
    and ts might help generally, to get more power in the forward movement.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:30 PM


    I do not recall where I found this (somewhere in the Forums)  but here it is:

    Accuracy around greens:

    15-20%  -  add 3-5 yds

    20-30%  - add 5-7 yds

    30-40% -  add  10-12 yds

    40-50% - add 15-18 yds

    This seems to work pretty well. If you get into stuff over 50%, I have no clue (and nothing that I've tried works) "don't go there (lol)



    I usually just think....3, 6, 9, and add 2 clubs and punch the hell out of it.  40/50 rarely works out to where I can fly it there and hold a green.