Hi All,
I was having the worst game ever, since going form Tour master to Legend, I have tried several browsers.
Maxthon 3, Internet explorer 8-9 and 10, google chrome and finally I found one that works
I would definately recommend downloading and installing a browser called
COMODO DRAGON. and (spacebar works)
It is the best on the market for now for WGT players.
It is safe and reliable, and uses the Chromium engine.
Yes after 500 ranked rounds, if you can be patient enough, your game will change for the better.
I have found that the balls make the biggest difference.
All clubs and irons are designed to work with a certain type of ball.
Through experimatation I have found
1. Rbladez (level 79)work well with level 70 nike balls. If you Miss the ding by 1 mm the
ball goes way off in any direction. Very good clubs but you need to be very accurate on the Ding 90 % of the time.
2, G20 level 83 love's the Level 70 Nike balls. very consistent, more forgiveness.
3 R11 level 90 work well with Callaway level 39 balls. Fast meter but consistent
The max balls are only good for meter but not compatible with all clubs and irons.
Less consistent, more errors. More freezes and stutters.
This is just my opinion, but I have spent a lot of money trying to work this out.
Conclusion is High trajectory Clubs need a NIKE ball with 4 dots for spin, dont worry so much about distance, your clubs will compensate. You wil notice the meter speed is not so bad,
Medium to high Trajectory need a callaway or max ball.
If you can afford to use the good balls these are the ones to use.
Again just my opinion.