overtheedge: It does cap. It will be a rival game IF it gets off the ground.
if only it was web browser based like WGT but who knows, they might introduce a version somewhere down the line.
there's a few things that puzzle me with their set up. they made a big hooohaa about a new site coming which turned out to be nothing other than switching from wordpress over to invision which took months for what was a 60 min operation max....and even then they weren't even savvy enough to hide the admin log in which to me raises a security issue. sure, for many it might not seem such a big deal, but to me, security starts from ground level up and hiding the admin folder / login is the 1st thing you do after it's installed.
i think when folks are able to download the executable to play the actual game then it'll be easy to manipulate the source code locally in no time at all.
the graphics look the best non HD graphics i've seen to date though.