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Challenge Mode Fee

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 17 2013 4:08 PM (2 replies)
  • ArmeniaKidd
    99 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:37 PM


    Scenerio: wager is 260cr, after fees winner gets 234credits.

    Then after the match the winner received 208credits.  Why is there another fee/deduction? 

    Just wondering. 

    P.s i dont mind too much about the fee before match, but an extra deduction after game seems weird. Unless im seeing it wrong. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 3:46 PM

    A common flaw in the math:

    The wager is not 260, it is 234. The rest from both sides is the rake in favour of the company.

    Thus both pay 260. The loser loses all of it, 26 to WGT, 234 to the winner.

    The winner gets 2x the wager, that is 234+234 = 468. Subtract his payment of 260, then the result is 208 net win.

    BTW: The optimum is to put in anything ending on ...4 crs. A rounding issue...

  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2013 4:08 PM

    an easier way to put it is WGT take 10% of the gross , whoever wins

    Blitz challenge up to 245 credits only attracts a 5 credit fee from each player.