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Why no Open comp......anywhere !!

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Thu, Jul 18 2013 12:18 PM (9 replies)
  • Ianzzz
    6,373 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 10:18 AM

    I know that there is no Open course - old news - but would it not have been good to hold an British Open for us to play, even on either St A or RSG.

    It cannot cost much in credit prizes and would go well for those of us who tried the other qualifying and were found short (maybe even quite a way short in my case) of getting into the final.

    Could even have been in the Nation and brought out the UELs but.....nothing.

    A missed opportunity


  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 10:31 AM


    A missed opportunity

    One of the many :) Looking at the dynamics here, it seems that WGT is heading not towards IPO, but towards closing... Which would be a pity for once a very promising game.

  • scottishbloke
    1,277 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 10:33 AM

    wgt..should be renamed to usgt.

  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 10:41 AM

    yep, little surprised/ disappointed we didnt get a tourny at rsg/andy's to run along with the real open...played rsg today for 1st time in a while and i had forgot how much i like playin that course

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 10:48 AM
    I expect there'll be one for the 4th major. It's nearer home. :-(
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 11:08 AM

    I know that there is no Open course - old news - but would it not have been good to hold an British Open for us to play, even on either St A or RSG.

    Hey, if it ain't in the 'Good old US of A' it ain't happening..

    What on Earth gave you the idea that the R.O.W means anything to WGT ?

    Just look at the Ad campaigns / Sponsored tourneys to see who benefits !!

    (sad, but sadly, so true)


    Edit: Maybe WGT,  someone @ head office could have recognized the R.O.W are generally left out and hosted a Tourney ( like the Starter one) to include EVERYONE for once ??

    Might've been fun....( We will never know ) 

    What I do know is that the 'Marketing and Promotions Dept' need a good kick up the hacienda !!

    ( I say marketing dept, but I guess it's just 2 ppl running around trying to do the jobs of 10 )

    Hence all the..........

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 11:17 AM

    Tiger Woods said today that this is the best tournament in golf. We're you listening Chad?

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 11:48 AM

    Mr WGT, ''What is this they are all saying.. An Open Golf Tourney!!! And where would that be??''

    Lackey, '' I think its at a place called Muirfield Chief.''

    Mr WGT, '' Muirfield, Muirfield!! Where the hell is Muirfield?''

    Lackey, '' I think its in Scotland Sir.''

    Mr Wgt, ''Scotland you say.. So what has that got to do with us!!!''

    Lackey, ''Well its the British Open Sir.. All the big names are playing.''

    Mr WGT, '' Ohhh!! That place across the pond... We helped them out back in the 1940's..We are not doing anything else for them..Sod them, we only take care of our own here. Keep it OUR wgt..''

    Lackey, ''So whar do we say to them boss!!!''

    Mr WGT, '' Say to them!!! You don't say anything to them.. They'll maybe get the picture and go away..''

    Lackey, '' (Silence!!!!!)..''




  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 11:51 AM

    Those fkg americanos, so pompous that when they visit a foriegn country they expect to be spoken with in english.   LMAO.  


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 12:18 PM


    Those fkg americanos, so pompous that when they visit a foriegn country they expect to be spoken with in english.   LMAO.  


    And to be honest they don't do that very well !

    We passed on the language and what do you do ? ..Start taking letters out !

    Pure laziness imo , hence the weight I suppose...