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Does a mouse wear out?

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Fri, Jul 19 2013 7:44 AM (11 replies)
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  • kcalw
    152 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 1:39 PM

    A few months ago when starting my swing the meter would stop on its own and start the swing. It would be like a practice swing but lately it has done an actual swing and counting it as a stroke.  If it is the mouse then I will go buy a new one but I thought I  would  check her before I spent the money.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 1:50 PM


    A few months ago when starting my swing the meter would stop on its own and start the swing. It would be like a practice swing but lately it has done an actual swing and counting it as a stroke.  If it is the mouse then I will go buy a new one but I thought I  would  check her before I spent the money.

    if you experience delayed click, that's a flash issue.
    if the shots "click" by themselves, then I'd say your clicker is done,
    and you should get a new mouse.
    my best suggestion would be to try using a different mouse
    before buying one. if problem persists update your flash.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 1:54 PM

    Hi K, speaking from personal experience, the 'mouse' doesn't  degrade, they just work or not.

    Stating the obvious but if you use wireless ( as I do ) then batteries need changing regularly.

    However what you are describing is nothing I've encountered before...??

    A few months ago when starting my swing the meter would stop on its own and start the swing. It would be like a practice swing but lately it has done an actual swing and counting it as a stroke. 

    Hopefully others can shed more light.


  • biggtoad
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 2:08 PM

    I had a similar problem a while back, I would drag the swing meter and it would take off when ever it wanted, I was using a wireless mouse, I went and bought a new wireless mouse and all was fixed,

    then I took the old mouse to work because it still worked as a regular mouse,  I tried a CTTH at work with the old mouse and it worked fine and still is three months later.

    not sure why it still works or what happened, or if this any help at all

                          going fishing / toad

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 2:11 PM

    As per all the advice already given.

    But I am confused about "my swing the meter would stop on its own and start the swing".

    Are you holding the swing for a while, then it just starts by itself? If so see the below article.

  • biggtoad
    1,360 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 2:22 PM


    As per all the advice already given.

    But I am confused about "my swing the meter would stop on its own and start the swing".

    Are you holding the swing for a while, then it just starts by itself? If so see the below article.

    mine would take off while I was dragging the swing meter over to my desired point, but it never counted as a stroke, it was always like a practice swing

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 2:48 PM

    from what i seen in another post today , theres been a new adobe flash update , so if your using chrome , maybe pepper as re activated on you .....

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 2:52 PM


    A few months ago when starting my swing the meter would stop on its own and start the swing. It would be like a practice swing but lately it has done an actual swing and counting it as a stroke.  If it is the mouse then I will go buy a new one but I thought I  would  check her before I spent the money.

    I have had to replace my mouse a couple of times, so yeah I think they just stop working sometimes.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2013 3:14 PM

    I had a similar problem happen to me. The wireless mouse was just getting worse and worse, regardless of whether new batteries were in there or not.

    I'm sure I was driving my playing partners nuts with what looked like 'practice swings' but it was just that the mouse was stopping by itself short of my intended swing strength. Then it got worse when it just started making a second click by itself, so I started to get whiff shots. It was a classic confidence-destroyer...

    ... so, eventually, I got a new mouse, which is wired, and is 100x better. 

    If you're going to fork out for something new, I strongly recommend going for the wired option, as it removes/reduces one of the many connection variables.

    Good luck!

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