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AB's Putting Guide-My Secrets 2018 Update

Mon, Nov 6 2023 5:47 AM (87 replies)
  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 3:50 PM

    The speeds on the green im ok with its knowing how much 2 miss the ding on putts.  how  early or late 2 miss ding what gets me.
    That were feel comes in. when you get a handle on that putting is fun.



    Here's an observation on 'miss the ding' style putting I've made. (I actually combine aim & missing the ding on the uphill side of the break - except for 'straight in' putts, where ding is still king, lol.)

    It has to do with putter forgiveness. As soon as I could went to the the Daytona Rossa, and used it all through the climb to mid-level TM. It's still (IMO) a great go-to tool for the mid-tier folks. To make the break-through to Legend, part of the process was a putter that better fit my needs and I chose the Nike Method.

    Compare the two putters: 

    Compare the forgiveness; the Method has 1 1/2 dots more than the Rossa. With the Rossa my off-dings were minimal for shorter putts. That DING line? Its width is 3 pixels, so I was hitting just 2 or 3 pixels off-ding. Same 'miss' with the Method, because of forgiveness it's essentially a ding, lol. To get the same effect with the Method I need to increase that meter distance from the Ding line until I get a positive visual gap between my hitting point and the ding - maybe 5 pixels minimum. The difference visually looks like below:

    Finally, there's a penalty to be paid for using off-ding methods: you lose power. the further off you hit the more distance you'll lose. In the shot above I have a 5 footer across slowly moving L->R 'slope indicators'. lf the hole were a clock-face with 6 pointing at my ball, I've set the aim for 7 o'clock entry wound into the cup.

    Tourney greens, using my formula, I normally give it 5 feet of power, which includes a 1.5 ft 'safety factor'. For this sort of off-ding downhill putt, I reduce the safety factor by .5 ... so here, I'm going to give it 4.5 feet of power. Steep downhill putts over 10 ft, I may remove the safety factor entirely.

    The ball will start a bit left of aim line, with perhaps 5% less energy, but it will die in the cup, or within a foot or 2 of the hole.

    I try to be Mr Ding on uphill putts, as the distance loss from off-ding hits can force me to change my name to Alice, or Ella, lol.




  • drose1durant35k
    4 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2013 7:25 AM



  • DAVE21265
    17 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 6:59 AM

    You need to get real, since when do any golfers in real life constantly shoot sub 60 for 18 holes, that sort of score happens very rarely. You expect to shoot great rounds everytime you play but golf does not work like that on here or in real life. Maybe your equipment needs upgrading, I don't know. When I play if I do the same thing I get the same results. I have played for about 7 months and I am improving all the time ( level 86, master, 64.05 average) There is no point in trying to seek perfection on here because it will never happen. Judging by your swearing and the fact that you only have three friends after four years of playing I would suggest that you change your attitude. This game is quite playable and not impossible at all. You expect every shot you play to be bang on, well it will not happen. Maybe if you calmed yourself down and stopped being Mr Angry all the time you might find that your game will improve.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, Jun 3 2014 4:16 PM

    I put my guide back up if anyone is interested. It's not the same as it was before, but I think it's probably about as good.


  • ScratchGolfer24
    8 Posts
    Wed, Jun 4 2014 12:09 AM

    Putting in REAL or Online, will always be around 43% of strokes, for any given round. So, as the saying goes- Drive for show, putt for dough!

    Play a round on any course, work your way to green, then find a tough break, keep trying the putt until you make or exhaust all your allotted strokes for that particular hole as practice (my self taught practice green/method).

    Remember 43%!!!  Practice, practice, practice! ( Practice?! fyi- Allen Iverson! LOL)

    Apply the methods AB has shared, practice on toughest greens, and putting should improve....just my .02 cents

    If you can putt well, you are a tough match for anyone!  Have fun, this is entertainment!

    Kind regards,


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Apr 29 2018 1:34 PM

    I updated this guide some from 2014 and posted a link to my youtube guides I put together. I hope you all find it useful!


  • BigTrap
    29 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2018 11:41 AM

    Sounds like you guys have it! I've been here playing for about 5 years and just am not at the level i want to be. All of the tips and such are great but they just don't really seem to work for me. I have a good putter and it just seems i'm always short or long and left or right. I don't expect to drop every putt but I certainly would love to knock a few strokes off and move up a level.

  • mjglanzer
    4 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 3:48 PM

    wow everybody here really takes this seriously

    i just try to hit my dinger 

  • DonW468
    2 Posts
    Mon, Sep 24 2018 2:19 AM

    Thank you for this !

  • pdiehm
    307 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2019 4:27 AM

    I see all these tutorials on putting, which are great, but all done on PC.  I'm strictly a mobile player and putting on PC and putting on mobile are completely different animals.


    My speed is usually pretty freakin good, but my reading the break is not.  I typically miss on 12 greens on the bottom edge of the cup, but if I adjust my line, I hit the top edge and no fewer than 20 times yesterday, did it spin right out.  


    Frustrating doesn't cover what it is for me as a putter.  My approaches are now finally within 12', but I'm still 2 putting far more often than I like.  


    Would love someone to put together a putting tutorial on how to read the greens and break using a mobile platform.