dryspot:The speeds on the green im ok with its knowing how much 2 miss the ding on putts. how early or late 2 miss ding what gets me.
That were feel comes in. when you get a handle on that putting is fun.
Here's an observation on 'miss the ding' style putting I've made. (I actually combine aim & missing the ding on the uphill side of the break - except for 'straight in' putts, where ding is still king, lol.)
It has to do with putter forgiveness. As soon as I could went to the the Daytona Rossa, and used it all through the climb to mid-level TM. It's still (IMO) a great go-to tool for the mid-tier folks. To make the break-through to Legend, part of the process was a putter that better fit my needs and I chose the Nike Method.
Compare the two putters: 
Compare the forgiveness; the Method has 1 1/2 dots more than the Rossa. With the Rossa my off-dings were minimal for shorter putts. That DING line? Its width is 3 pixels, so I was hitting just 2 or 3 pixels off-ding. Same 'miss' with the Method, because of forgiveness it's essentially a ding, lol. To get the same effect with the Method I need to increase that meter distance from the Ding line until I get a positive visual gap between my hitting point and the ding - maybe 5 pixels minimum. The difference visually looks like below:

Finally, there's a penalty to be paid for using off-ding methods: you lose power. the further off you hit the more distance you'll lose. In the shot above I have a 5 footer across slowly moving L->R 'slope indicators'. lf the hole were a clock-face with 6 pointing at my ball, I've set the aim for 7 o'clock entry wound into the cup.
Tourney greens, using my formula, I normally give it 5 feet of power, which includes a 1.5 ft 'safety factor'. For this sort of off-ding downhill putt, I reduce the safety factor by .5 ... so here, I'm going to give it 4.5 feet of power. Steep downhill putts over 10 ft, I may remove the safety factor entirely.
The ball will start a bit left of aim line, with perhaps 5% less energy, but it will die in the cup, or within a foot or 2 of the hole.
I try to be Mr Ding on uphill putts, as the distance loss from off-ding hits can force me to change my name to Alice, or Ella, lol.