I can't believe we can't give these away.....this is really sad.
To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement.
Dont be disheartened!! It is not that the gestures are not appreciated / wanted.
I think that it is a combination of things ......
1. Not enough new players aware of what is going on here
2. Players, like me, who are aware of what is going on but who want to add to their bag something that they need rather than just something they want - I am as eager as the Santa's are that the gifts go to a good and deserving home!
3. I think that fewer people play on the weekends (I know that with family commitments, I can certainly get to WGT less often on the weekend!)
No matter what - this is a really worthwhile endeavor and one that is appreciated by that portion of the WGT community that is aware of it!!
Dont loose heart and thanks again to all the Santa's!