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WGT's customer service equality

Wed, Jul 24 2013 7:27 AM (82 replies)
  • dansamcam
    1,739 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 2:19 PM

    C'mon WGT!

    Why is there no VUSO Challenge winners anounced this year?

    In all the other years of the VUSO Challenges the winners have been anounced.

    2009 VUSO Challenge Champions
    2010 VUSO Front 9 Challenge
    2010 VUSO Back 9 Challenge
    2011 VUSO Challenge Champions
    2012 VUSO Challenge Champions

    2013?    *2013 Virtual U.S. Open Champions

    I feel the reason you're not anouncing the winners is because I won both this year.

    Throughout the past year it seems that if I win a substantial tournament you, WGT, will not acknowledge it and you always seem to have complications and long term delays in sending me the prizes as well as updating my career earnings.

    4/13/12-Celtic Manor Challenge -no official anouncement and all travel expence had to be paid up front by me. Reimbursement came a month later after I sent  two email requests. Career earning were updated on 5/14/13 after several email requests to customer support and WGT's staff.

    12/16/12-Virtual U.S. Open Flashback -no official anouncement. Career earnings updated 6/6/13 but no prize recieved to date. I contacted customer support on 6/6/13. Reply was "be patient we'll look into it after this years VUSO is over."

    4/30/13-2013 Virtual U.S. Open Front 9 Challenge -*Official anouncement 7/23/13. *Career earnings updated 7/22/13 but no prize recieved to date.

    5/30/13 2013 Virtual U.S. Open Back 9 Challenge -*Official anouncement 7/23/13. *Career earnings updated 7/23/13 but no prize recieved to date.

    I'm starting to think that someone really doesn't like me here and its more then likely I will not recieve any of those giftcards anytime soon.

    I can't help but to feel that I am being treated unfairly by you WGT. I don't see any of the other top players being treated this way.

    With all that being said....

    Thanks for all the good and bad memories WGT. I have enjoyed playing your game and I have met some really nice people here too but unfortunately I am very disappointed right now in your customer service equality and care. I highly doubt that Mr. WGT or anyone from WGT's staff will ever reach out to me.

    My best wishes to all the players and my friends out there.  Nothing but great memories there! :)

    Best of luck to everyone and Take care. I'm out!

    * updated facts on 7/23/13 from the original post.

    New update 9/17/13 all 3 USGA gift cards have now been recieved.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 2:31 PM

    atrocious WGT .. just an absolute brain numbing disgrace.

    ^^^^  this from one of the premier players on WGT .. when u guys gonna wake up ???

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 2:34 PM

    Not much more to add......Think I and many others have made their views perfectly clear. ?

    Eh WGT ?   Silence is not always golden !


  • brhthecarpenter
    333 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 2:41 PM

    hmmm, me thinks this ship is taking on water.

  • Beryman
    9,100 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 2:43 PM

    so sad to see one of the best (if not the best) on this site treated in such a way as Dan has been treated     PFFTTTT!!!!


    may be the start of the end

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 2:56 PM

    when u guys gonna wake up

    Thats what I said Chris ,remember. These guys are a bunch of morons, they're  letting their head swell up so big they have to have custom hats made. But like I always said and go by even in my business " pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered "  which means as soon as you start forgetting your clients,and start gouging them it won't be long before your doors are closed.

    Remember nothing last forever


  • cizzycustard090
    218 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 2:59 PM

    sad to see you go Dano...ty for all the help mate...take care..

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 3:01 PM

    it just irks me that this fine game is seemingly manufacturing its own demise .. "Remember nothing last forever" ..  yeah i guess; the law of entropy .. why anyone would help this along is beyond me though

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 3:15 PM

    Well, nothing new Sam, you are one of the many who have already left & many more to come.....unfortunately.

    It has been mentioned before, WGT seems more interested on getting new costumers than keeping the old & loyal ones.

    I have mentioned several times before too, unfortunately WGT has no competition in the field, there is no other golf game alike and that is great for WGT, but of course bad for us, the unmotivated & tired "old" costumers.


  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 3:21 PM

    why does wgt not care when elite players like dansamcam say  things like that. surely they would not want to loase such a gr8 player of his calliber to me that makes no sense. surely wgt can reply back that would be the normal thing to do surely. thats ignorant not replying that would pizz me off 2. theres a lot of players not happy the now with this game cant think why??  pfft