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WGT's customer service equality

Wed, Jul 24 2013 7:27 AM (82 replies)
  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 3:33 PM

    Throughout the past year it seems that if I win a substantial tournament you, WGT, will not acknowledge it and you always seem to have complications and long term delays in sending me the prizes as well as updating my career earnings.

    4/13/12-Celtic Manor Challenge -no official anouncement and all travel expence had to be paid up front by me. Reimbursement came months later after I sent a few email requests. Career earning were updated on 5/14/13 after several email requests to customer support and WGT's staff.

    12/16/12-Virtual U.S. Open Flashback -no official anouncement. Career earnings updated 7/1/13 but no prize recieved to date. I contacted customer support on 7/1/13. Reply was "be patient we'll look into it after this years VUSO is over."

    4/30/13-2013 Virtual U.S. Open Front 9 Challenge -no official anouncement. No added career earnings and no prize recieved to date.

    5/30/13 2013 Virtual U.S. Open Back 9 Challenge -no official anouncement. No added career earnings and no prize recieved to date.

    I'm starting to think that someone really doesn't like me here and its more then likely I will not recieve any of those giftcards anytime soon.

    This is extremely disheartening. Lets not even expect you  (WGT) to "defend yourselves" against these major issues and legitimate complaints,  BUT out of respect to all your paying customers can you please shed just a little light. I can understand some back log but this is waaaaaaay beyond back logged. Im sorry but this is wrong , "period". You advertise all these GREAT prizes and trips but in turn take this long to "honor" those prizes and awards. Again, that is soooo not right. What really caps this is all the work dans had to do to receive just a portion of his legitimate winnings and to this day customer support is STILL running him around. This is the kind of thing that is slowly chipping away at the business.That said, we all realize that you stumbled across a gold mine but you are slowly depleting that gold and THIS is a perfect example of just 1 of the issues helping that along.  

  • Beryman
    9,099 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 3:35 PM


    hmmm, me thinks this ship is taking on water.

    maybe there are lifeboats Reese, but i am thinking not  :(

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 3:45 PM

    Dan, I've never had the pleasure to play with you but I can feel proud of having participated in a couple of tournaments in the same group. I have always admired your results and your patient endurance, I'm sorry to read about this outburst more than justified and even more dutiful.


    I hope this is not a goodbye of yet another Great Player on WGT.

  • chuckiee
    2,194 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 4:13 PM

    Still no reply from WGT ? Don't let them get you down Dan we know your the Man on and off the course.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 6:53 PM

    It sounds like they are waiting for the funds to come in the bank so they can get the prizes.

    Very sad it is


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 6:58 PM

    Best of luck to everyone and Take care. I'm out!




  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 7:05 PM

    This will forever be known as the Mid-July Weekend Coup.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 7:49 PM

    This is a travesty of a website gone wrong. There aren't too many websites on the web that reneges on prizes for people's achievements in a browser game.

    This is going to put a black eye on WGT. It won't be the first black eye WGT has sustained for sure.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2013 8:55 PM

    Who wants to bet that the prize money is tied up in wgt baseball? If I were MLB, I would take my name off asap, & maybe they will if they hear about this type of activity!

    I think you might have hit the nail with a sledgehammer with this comment.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.... but ever since the baseball game came in... Wgt has slowly dried up since ......   lack of new courses for example and the prices for equipment has gone up.
