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When your golf ball is taken out of play due to wear/tear

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Sun, Jul 21 2013 5:06 PM (2 replies)
  • pukiebear
    72 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 3:38 PM

    Sorry if this issue has already been addressed, as I'm sure it has, but I'm sort of a forum newb, so please bare with me.  When a ball is taken out of play because it's used up, I'm just curious as to why players are not allowed to choose which balls to replace them with.  It automatically defaults to the unlimited starter balls.  If I lose a ball in the real game, I can reach into my bag and choose any replacement ball that I want.  As this game is a simulator, it should resemble the real game as much as possible, so why is this not allowed?  This is just tiny detail that I feel should be afforded to players.  Any thoughts?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 3:53 PM

    Hi Pukie and yes it has been covered many times in the past.

    In short WGT uses the "One Ball Rule" as is used in all PGA events and Major Tournaments, as well as many local competitions. As such if you lose your last ball and without the exact same ball and model you are disqualified. WGT allow you to finish but with only the starters, better than having to quit.

    In addition the courses are set up as per for the US Open, again simulating the major.

    You are also given a warning when it is your last ball, so ignore at your peril.

    Hope this explains it but use the search for more info

  • pukiebear
    72 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 5:06 PM

    Perfect explanation.  It's just that I don't always have the available credits when I get the last ball warning, so it's kind of frustrating.  Anyway, thanks for responding.