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Fixing the Swing bar

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 22 2013 1:14 PM (3 replies)
  • jsho36cast
    12 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 9:46 AM

    Why not stop giving credits out for tournament wins and prizes that cheat an incentive to cheat. Thia game has enough member...buying products, so fix the swing bar back to normal and let the non-credit competitors enjoy the game again. This skippy/stopping/flying by bar issue if nothing short of ignoring and will have people quitting a game that cheats it's players!!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 9:57 AM

    Here we go again. It's probably your internet or your flash or your browser. Or all of them. A smooth meter is attainable. (Most of the time)

  • coolasicebaby
    142 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 1:12 PM

    Although Flash , pc , internet can all have something too do with this issue it's the developers who need too come up with a solution so this issue does not happen at all. But they seem incapable of doing so , which means people are going too stop playing and which in turn will kill this game off within the next year no doubts. Shame really but truth. :(


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2013 1:14 PM

    They offload the job to Flash & your computer....